So I have a job interview tomorrow.. Well I guess later today.. Anyways it's for a bartending job. I've never done anything like that before but I wanna try. It just seems like so much has went wrong lately, I really hope I get this...I need a small break. Ohh man the nervousness!!

Try not to worry, I'm sure everything will go fine. Good luck. πŸ˜€
Thank you! ☺️

So I finally quit my job at the gas station and now looking for a new one I'm about to die.. I miss working I love the paycheck to much lol. And I wanna start Beauty school soon but I'm nervous an scared.. I haven't been in school for 4yrs. lol that's really not that long but still. Anyways...my friend Josh is paying for me...
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I hate my job so much! However I love the girl's I work with.. they make my day so much. Me an one of the girl's I worked with today got bored cause nobody came in for like an hour so we turned up the music an was dancing! lol Then a customer came in and was laughing at us... =D


As of tomorrow I will start my new exercise & diet plan! I'm excited but nerves at the same time cause I've never stuck with one. So I hope this works out!! =D


Happy 4th Of July!!! <3

Pumped gonna go watch the fireworks with some friend down by the river tonight then get food. =D



So this summer has been hands down one of the best summers in the past 4 or 5 years for me. An I plan on keeping it going!

Woo! lol

That's the spirit!

I'm in such a pissy mood. I swear if I could just punch someone in the fucking face maybe then I'd feel better. UGH!

That I will not help with, I will bring a punching bag though
Hahaha, well that will work too! =DΒ 
I want my nipple pierced...but I'm scared too. Lol I shouldn't be I have like 9 different piercing all together.

But my friend had hers done and she said it smelled bad and that's why she took them out.... I don't know..probably just over thinking again.

It doesn't hurt ive had about 20 different piercings all together those were the least painful.Β 

Gonna get a new bra today and wear it out tonight!! It's gonna be an amazing night!!


I need a life! I hate just siting at home... I feel so lame.

You and me both.