Okay, it was always like this in High School, and I guess it's still like this today. Someone I considered one of my best friends, for years and years, throws a party and doesn't bother to invite me.
Yes, this is churlish, little-kid behavior on my part, kicking and stomping and throwing a fit, but I'm fucking tired of it. I'm tired of being...
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Ahhhhh, I am NOT satisfied with tonight.
What the hell is it, anyway, that determines what makes us satisfied with any given day? Look at any person, reflecting on the end of their day, and what makes it what?
Most people would probably say, if stressed, that if the person was happy for most of the day, that would make it a good day, yes?...
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There need to be more places to get things off of your chest. Therapy is expensive and only available at specific times, but the need to pour yer heart out pops up at pretty random intervals, most of them at inopportune times.
Ugh, I'm sick today. No idea what the hell it is. Dizzy, runny nose, sore throat. Pretty much everything in my head, so...
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There are plenty of places to get things off your chest
Time to date again. Must find ways to meet more women, in the hopes that the shotgun effect will eventually match me up with someone that I find spectacular and can actually stand to be around me for significant lengths of time.
Not that self-reliance is such a bad thing. In fact, it's pretty important. And there are always times when it's better for me...
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Awww, after seeing them last night at The Improv, and visiting their website tonight, I think I officially have a crush on Garfunkel and Oats. This video makes me bees amused.
Hah! SG was called out at the comedy show I went to tonight. I tried to represent. Just sayin'.
Alright, so, new part of plan: Going to try to set up a recipe to prepare for every day of the week, and mark them off as I go. Not that I'm going to cook every night of the week, but it'll prevent me from not doing so for lack of having a recipe or anything like that. Cooking at home tends to save monies,...
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Internet connection in the apt is finally set up, but the wireless is giving me trouble for some reason. Perhaps it is just because I am technologically inept? Also, there is still a lot of mold in my bathroom. You really do get what you pay for here in beautiful, glamorous Hollywood.
Long absence from the site, might still be scarce for a bit. I can still be reached by twitter.
blah i don't get that whole Twitter thing
So I finally joined the Twitter bandwagon, so any of you that know my name can hit me up there. If you forgot my name, message me .
Is it better to create and portray characters, or to be one?

Lately, I'm more and more convinced that you don't get to do both.
to be one.