I just typed this long ass post on shit going on in my life, containing dance battles, becoming a male stripper, country thunder music fest, why am I single?, and a whole bunch of other meaningless aweSomeness. But I acci-fucking-dentally pressed the back button and erased it all!!! Fuck!!!

Well the only thing I really want to know from anybody is if SG has an...
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Hello smile thanks for the add! Also letting you know an SG app is coming out soon.
So it's been more than a month since I posted.
What's up SG, I have been looking for a job for about two months, almost everyday out looking for a job, I even got desperate and applied at retail stores. I ended up getting hired at walmart making $6 less than I need or ask for. But something is better than nothing. But during the...
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Man, you are one lucky dude, u know that?? I've been looking for work for a long time (being somewhat picky) and my man has been looking for months now (NOT being picky) and ya know what?? NEITHER of us have had any luck. Now, I dont know if we're just OVER qualified and they know we wouldnt stay at the lower paying jobs we've applied to or if we just suck a lot more than we think we did?? Who knows!! I know Ive applied to walmart abt a dozen times over the yrs and they never so much as called for an interview. Theyre picky! I hope u got a better job though. It seems like u get the most interviews when u actually HAVE a job than u do when u dont. Which I personally think it should be the other way around.
So I went to a Celtic woman concert last week, it was the start of their US Tour. To think a group as big as them kicking off their tour in a place as insignificant as Waukegan IL, especially when Chicago is 45 minutes south of Waukegan.

BTW I LOVE CELTIC WOMAN. I have since the first time I heard them on PBS.

I was...
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Fa anybody who reads my blog. This is what's up with me. I've been getting into all kinds of dances. I have been into breakdancing and pop 'n locking since high school, but have recently gotten into line dancing about 5 months ago, and within the last month I've picked up swing, polka, ballroom, and salsa. I swear I can barely go to a regular...
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Yes, I can see your tattoo. It's right there on your profile picture.

I didn't realize it was ever cool to call something gay. You are clearly well ahead of the curve.
Sorry, but thanks for at least noticing. smile
So I've been searching for a photographer in my area that will do a semi professional set for suicide boys. though I've found many people willing to do it, their price for the gig is too high. I know i'm not gonna get paid to post anything for suicide boys but I would still like to put it up and show off what the good...
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Damn, so I've been out of the Navy for a little over a month now and still no job. I'm starting to think that what people say about the military looking good on job applications and resumes is a bunch of bull, I have been out and about looking for any job anywhere doing anything, and nothing is found. I thought I had a good...
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yes, my profile picture was taken in a church.
hey good people of the SG sommunity!

so I am finally out of the Navy... its been far too long since I've had freedom like this.. but I wanted to fight and do something for this country of ours before I totally become a liability to society... Damn so being in the Navy while this whole recession this started. The effects of it really didn't...
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glad things are going well since getting out!
negative on the spinning.
well, hey how is everybody... let me tell you about the worst day in Paradise!

if you dont know I am in the navy on submarines. this morning I was at work (on the boat) showing a friend pictures on my iPhone, he accidentally hit it out of my hand and (BLOOP) right in to the water... later I went to the beach and sprained...
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Thanks for the add! kiss
well doesn't look like anytime soon, im sick of trying. but thankyou i should hope you do help vote for me if i try again. 14 rejected sets... i just dont have the body SG wants...
Well hello SG community! well after 2 years of planning and waiting, I finally made it, I am now living in Hawaii, well Oahu to be exact. Though I've only been here 1-1/2 days and it has been rainy and cloudy, I have been having fun. I went to the Senior Frog last night and most likely going somewhere else tonight. It is definitely a...
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welcome to Hawaii!
nice one, dude