Well, work was half-way decent today. Except for the lil round of worshiping the porcilen god towards the end. I should know better not to eat those damn corn dogs from Dan & Rays!

I got to see a good friend of mine for a bit, as I was in taxi mode againsmile Which she knows I am damn well happy to do. I'm looking...
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Last night was an interseting night for me on some levels. I couldn't find anyone to hang out with, despite me accidently forgetting I was supposed to hangout w/ jollyroger. I was out of herb and was having a really tough time dealing w/ everything I have going on in my life right now. Yes, I'm one who truly believes in self-medication. Well, I...
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I just gotta say mad props to Hanna and Bill for dropping by tonight. I was already laying in bed with the covers pulled over my head and just really feel down. We all just smoked out amd got flippin' durnk and had a blast. Granted, they smoked all my cigs, but they more than made up for it. And I really connected with Hanna...
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Well, today started off pretty damn good. Despite having to come off my sleep medication, I was able to get a good nights sleep. Granted, I think the 3 shots of whisky before I went to bed sorta helped me out.

The only good part of the day was being able to see a see Jessica for a bit today. She's one of the barista's...
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Well, I guess I need to begin this sometime. I've been thinking about doing the online journal thing, casue I sure as hell can't get in the habit of journaling any other way...and I really need to start. I was going to do LiveJournal, but I swear my entire work is on that, and I don't want to get into that, if you know what...
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eeek wink