I found out the other day I am getting a raise. YAY! its not one of those little raises of a nickle or so per hour, its a signifigant raise.

IE. an extra 1500 per month. which is furtherly interesting, because it puts me over the 6 digit annually mark.

It has been a good week.

I do have a sence of accomplishment this week....
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*is ready to go shopping wink * thats awesome i'm so happy for you!!
oh, wanna go shopping eh? what for? wink
Welcome to the Crazy bus, we are Dale, we will be your driver. For your own saftey please keep your arms and legs inside the windows at all time. For your convienance we have installed mini papertowel dispencers on the back of the seats to wipe the drool off your chins. There are special padded seats near the front for those requiring strait jackets. DO...
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*jumps up and down* electo shock!!!! Me first!
I am back from vacation. It really was uneventful. I did nothing save get my eyes fixed and go to denny's. It's actually quite depressing actually.

On the other hand, I do feel well rested and back and ready for action.

My next vacation is going to be at the end of October. I am arranging it so I have enough time, and have the...
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I really want to get into the One World of Darkness set but unfortunately the only Vampire larp near me has an evil guy in it that I refuse to talk to... and since he plays in the clan I'd more than likely be put in then it isn't really feasible for me to do so. However... my ex-boyfriend is going to be starting up a Mage larp if I feel like driving 3 hours to go run around in a cemetary in the dark one night a week. whatever
From what I understand there are a lot of people who left the Camarilla to go into one world by night, but I dont know that much about that organization, I am not a member. I am a memeber of the Camarilla though, and I am not sure how long that is going to last. NWOD (new world of darkness) is out and they are playing it. I neither like the way they have slaughtered the games that I love, nor have I become a fan of the system yet. In my humble opinion, WW fucked up by ending the world in old WOD. I only play Changeling now in the Cam. Therefore, I have thought about one world by night.

LARP'ing is fun, however I havent really gotten into Mage all that much. If your BF gets that off the ground, I recommend going, larping is fun, and it tends to relieve stress, and you make a lot of good friends.

in a cemetary?
So, today I am going to show off my one and only tattoo.

I was with one of my best friends at the time I got this. By that night, I had already had it picked out for a couple of weeks. My friend Jason Bushnell (Phoenix) and I went to a tattoo parlor just off base of Keesler AFB in Mississippi.

It didn't hurt...
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Ooh, nipples are fun. You never realize how often you bump into things until you get your nipples pierced. Lol. Trust me, I know... biggrin
I will probabally get them done in a month while on vacation in New Orleans...