well, my G4 PowerMac died, finally. i guess it has sounded like a dying animal ever since I got it almost 2 years ago. of course it has to die a week before my first 2 photo-assignments for this magazine. and I just found out that the chief editor here in SF was just laid off and he said in his email he doesn't even...
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mmmmmmmmm.... butter smell goood! smile
Not when you burn it.
so here's an update since something finally happened recently. last week I went home to Vineland, NJ for one of the last times (before our house gets sold). seems my mom might actually move to India after it sells. pretty crazy. anyway saw my bro for the first time in a year and he just got back from Baghdad. wtf was he doing there? well,...
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when I was little, I had a Battlestar Galactica cape I used to run around the house wearing. I had never seen the show but knew Lorne Greene and the guy who played Face from A-Team was in it.

I've heard nothing but good about the new show, though I'm wary of what Sci-Fi I watch. Unfortunately I don't have cable right now so I watch very little of anything. I think the iTunes store sells the episodes so maybe I'll check it out.
well, anyway yay for boyd biggrin
well today is a celebratory day since my bro made it back from Baghdad last night. He's not in the military, he's a 'diplomat' for the state dept supposedly. He was riding around in a humvee meeting with local leaders for 6 mo though, so he is a lucky fucker. i still can't believe he went there, basically just to further his own career. you...
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Told you the site is having problems

Jobhunt a no-go. You'd think it'd be easy to excel in a place where the average education level is 8th grade. Hell, my boss only holds an associate's degree in her field. Why oh why is a four year degree so useless? frown I wouldn't mind racing the clock if I had the passion to do what I want to do. It's sad to lose your muse. I'm vegging out and watching Lost (renting DVDs, never watched it before) and wishing I was on a deserted, fucked up island like that.

As for your brother... would you give up photography if your family asked? In life people choose either to live for themselves or for the family. Can't say either is right or wrong but someone gets hurt either way.

I know the arms you speak of. They really, really creep me out.
it was because of the movie i had just seen smile
skull skull skull

well, but I don't think California is a desert, raen... ^^
haven't run into the hot bi girl yet, but whatev. i'm destined for a life of solitude and lonliness. that has been evident for a long time. at least i have the plant and i can be very thankful for that. today is a day to celebrate too. the fruits of my labor are soon to be realized... i also (possibly) got my first real...
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solitude sucks -_- don't think it's your destiny
so I made some pretty major headway on my bike last night (built from the frame and parts at the bike kitchen) It is gonna be THE SEX. maybe then I can have cute hipster girl.... smile haha. there are actually a few ladies i'm interested for the first time in a while (well first time in a while they may be available). you know dating...
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might as well update while I'm procractinating here... so the last week or so was overall pretty shitty. rear-ended this girl at the toll plaza while I was looking for my water bottle- I should not drive when I am pissed off! my neighbor has been trying to fuck with me and so I was kinda nervous, plus I always seem to be in a...
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Once I drove to the radio station my aunt worked at, thought I pulled into the parking space and smacked right into a DJ's little CRX. He was moving to LA and was looking to sell it. Inside another DJ said "Hey, Kilgo, some winner (that was the derogatory term they used for the rednecks who called in on every contest) just hit your car. *Pause* Oh, nevermind, it's just Gennah's nephew," and walked away drinking his coffee. Positive note: he had his car appraised two days before so he didn't give a shit. Back then, I was lucky like that (lady in a DECELERATION lane had sped up though traffic had stopped and I happened to pull out in front of her... AND... while speeding to see my grandfather who was dying in the hospital, a city cop pulled me and did all but haul me in and lock me up... so many points and dollars and just barely made it before my grandfather passed).

Yep, Elly is quite the little lady. Such meetings is why I stay in touch with ScottSmallin wink
time is indeed the only option for me... since I gave up on dope... damn, any tips about the patience question also?
canabutter smell gooood... i'm gonna bake my first cake with it and spread some holiday cheer. happy new year y'all... smile
no set... sorry.. but i'm going to be putting up some photos that i'm sure you'll like... smile

p.s. sorry about the delayed reply. smile
How's that cake coming along?
i just found out York peppermint patties don't have gluten in them. whad'ya know. i always thought damn they were good, but they did somthing weird to me. maybe somthing else in there. i'm gonna have to go buy one though. right now.
Merry Christmas with Peppermint Patties on top!
Thanks so much for the great comment on my set!
so today is the 2nd day of my photo sale. yesteday didn't go so well. i guess the photo center just isn't such a great venue. i invited almost everyone i wanted to, and i know 1 person is coming thru today but haven't seen anyone else yet. i was kinda counting a lot on the other photog's promotion too. well, we'll see. at least...
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I had an alumni show once and told everyone. A photographer friend was the only one that showed. And a potter cousin is finding that art shows this year aren't what they used to be.

Here's to hoping Day 2 is better
quick SG update while i eat my power bar... i made gluten free pancakes the other day and they were the bomb. i have to return this freeaking fan again to the plant store and it messing up the program over here! i'm selling some prints in 2 days at a group show and i have nothing ready. i love nena's beautful smart ass.