I got to cook an extremely difficult meal today for my favorite client, and worked with my favorite helper. Hot dogs WITHOUT the bun, and apple slices with my nephew, Ty for him. My brother came over with Ty to watch the football games. They had stopped at McDonald's and picked up a chicken nugget kids meal. Ty, walked straight to the fridge and put...
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Yeah my dream is opening my own studio where I can continue to work as a dance, yoga, and Pilates instuctor... plus do physical therapy... and art... have it be a space where people can explore their bodies. And I've dreamed about having real art on the walls that clients and/or I create. Nice to have you as a friend now smile and that is the cutest damn story ever... I love kids!
thank you for such a lovely comment on my set, i really appreciate it smile
So I totally missed the show Friday, but the show Saturday rocked. I'll try to post some pics from the show when I get home.
I had a 90 year old woman fall down in my lobby at work yesterday and when the ambulance arrived they were like 12 and didn't have any supplies to splint the woman's hip. Luckily I keep everything stocked up,...
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thank you for your comment, appreciate it smile
eesh.. i've only ever had to call 911 once, and that's about all i'm good for in an emergency haha

thanks for your comments on my set btw!
Busy weekend coming up.
My little brother's friend's band is playing his "biggest show ever" in D.C. Friday night. I think they're at the Black Cat. The band is called Nunchuck. Check um out if your in the neighborhood.
Then Saturday in Richmond "Pushbutton Reaction" is rocking "The Camel" once again. Come to the show if your in town. The Camel is a few blocks...
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just dropping a line to say HI! hows life? hows things? whats new =)
I want to vomit. Today has made me sick. A man I know has been accused of doing some horrible things to others. Every news story I see makes me angrier and angrier. The things they say he did are deplorable, and then I turn on the late night news. They said that he not only commited dreadful deeds, but videotaped and broadcast them to...
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ugh people are dumb *RE to your blog* thank you for the rachel lee cook comment shes totally foxy haha <3 loves it


are you ok?
Today I went to see "Cashback", an indepentant film playing in D.C. at an Arts Theatre. The movie started a little slow, but all in all a good film. It is based around a senior painter at University in England who breaks up with his girlfriend during the opening credits and then takes a job working the overnight shift in a market because he can't...
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My brother called me at 7:55am on a Saturday, which is also my day off. First he called my house phone, and when I didn't answer, he called my cell. Then asked me where I was, and why I didn't answer the phone. I told him I was asleep, like most people on a Saturday morning. He was kind enough to point out I should...
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smile That's what practice is for. ~.^
Thanks for your words, but he's done a lot that I can't forgive, I already called my grandparents to wish them a good day. but I will not follow your advice.
I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day.

I got to see my aunt and uncle, who I hadn't seen in about ten years. My uncle Sam invited me to move down to Florida to attend Culinary school. My mother had mentioned to them my love of cooking and my want to relocate to Georgia, because they have grilling weather 9 monthes out of the...
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Today I am saddened to hear that the Rev. Jerry Falwell has passed. Many of you may not know who he is. Rev. Falwell started one of the greatest Christian Colleges in the World, Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA. He was better known for being the guy whom Larry Flynt accused of fornicating with his own mother, and then sued for defamation of character. He...
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What a motherfucker
This past weekend ran the Honolulu Marathon! In Honolulu, Hawai'i. It took me over 6 hours, but as far as I know only 15,683 other people showed up that did it faster than me. And there's like a couple trillion people in the world right? I have pictures, like five, once I get the energy to put them in my computer. (I forgot to upload...
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WHAT THE CRAP? I was thinking about trying to join a group and everyone wants me to have a friend to vouch for me. How the crap am I supposed to make friends on this site? The whole purpose of having the groups is to find other people who are interested in the same stupid crap you are! Isn't it? So if anyone is interested...
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i feel your pain dude. just type in a search though for your area or goto the chat