Sorry for it being so long since I wrote anything significant here. And also sorry for any typos. I'm typing on someone else's laptop.

So yeah I am officially in Portland now. For a good long time. I live SE with Meph for those that know where that is. For those that don't - you poor, poor bastards.

I had a great time meeting people...
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hey...I see the code name...& if you met me on my birthday you know I don't remember much...no picture up on yours either...but you live with mephausto so I'm sure I'll run into you again & place the face with the name...
Glad to hear that the move worked out. And I'm sorry to hear that the harpies of finance at nipping at your heels so soon. And a burnt finger? Do tell.

Things are chugging along over here. Thankfully, no serious problems, and a smile that is only slightly lopsided.
I'm here...at last. Hahahahahaha! Now we celebrate.
It was cool speaking to you on the phone. You sounded bored with me, so I thought I'd let you go. Whatever. Looking forward to the weekend........already.
I'm depressed, officially. The last three days I have had to pry myself out of bed and then I spent all day looking forward to 10pm so I could go back to sleep. I'm avoiding my reality, because my reality is very painful right now. I'm in over my head and feeling a bit overwhelmed. I hoping to make it to the weekend to call my parents and ask their advise. That's something I haven't done since high school.
wha-hoah SG folks. I want to make this clear straight from the outset. I have not gone with this little sleep and this much drink this many days in a row since commencement week in college. But this is not a drunk journal. I'm just tired.

Things I mentioned in past journals are now concluding themselves. Although not in the manner I had wished. I...
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Deary, breathe. The laundry will get down when there is no other choice. Meph is always having a relaxing time in Santa Cruz. Everything will be all right. mad

Sorry to hear about the dream/nightmare. I can only say you have made your bed.

The trip should take about 2.5 days, as I made it from PDX to MN in that time when returning my ex after I broke up with him. That is a story in and of itself.

Get sleep, finish packing, and if you don't start your journey westward "on time" don't worry, there are no deadlines you're working against. At least not to my knowledge.

Good luck with the journey. If you've never driven cross-country it's something else to watch as the terrain changes. ARRR!!!
this packing business is strange - I'm finding stuff I don't remember ever owning in the first place. And also stuff that I forgot I had, stuff I wish I never had, and worst of all - stuff that I look at and it sends me on down memory lane so's that when I look up, I realize what felt like 5 minutes was actually...
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I think that's why I'm so loathe to go through the stacks of stuff in my closet, storage area, and room. I have no idea what I might find, and most everything has good and bad memories attached. It'd probably take me a year to get through everything if I started today.

heh. I think I want to stand up and yell that at my sister the next time she's here.

Sorry to hear about the lack of closure for your triangle situation.
ARRR! back atcha.

I understand the memory lane stuff. It happened to me on the trip from MN to OR.

Check out my journal! There's a surprise. mad
What a week. I scarcely know what to begin with.

Work is now officially over and done with on both fronts. I finished as planned my job with the children, and got laid off by the cell phone saleslady (she's going under). Sadly, I can't collect unemployment. But with any luck, the goodness I foreshadowed earlier will work out, and all will be well.

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Oh, we're not quibbling over labels. Hell we're not even talking about that level of commitment yet. We like what we have together and we really don't want to be without each other. We are going to see how things go, and where it takes us, it takes us.

Happy? mad

See you soon...
I've seen the Reverend in anti-war speeches and in those....Democratic candidate....things, and I have to say he's the only candidate with any charisma, and makes the most sense when he talks. Pretty weird turn of events.
If I have any consolation on your last few entries it's-- hey man, no work! Sweet! biggrin
I know you.

You were too short.
You had bad skin.
You couldnt talk to them very well.
Words didnt seem to work.
They lied when they came out of your mouth.
You tried so hard to understand them.
You wanted to be part of what was happening.
You saw them having fun.
And it seemed like such a mystery.
Almost magic.
Made you think...
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Hmm. There's some Cash that's decent, I think, though I've never heard a Toby Keith song that didn't make me want to pop an eardrum. RATM never struck me as consistant, though I did adore their cover of "Maggie's Farm." Cash I can pretty much take or leave; he's got an amazing voice, but his lyrics don't really do much for me. When he does covers, though, I rather like him.

re: celebrities, you were lamenting the fact that actors you liked and/or respected were in films you disliked and/or felt were soulless commercial products (specifically Kevin Spacey in Goldmember and Samuel L. Jackson in Attack of the Clones). Doesn't really bother me for some reason. Spacey was, to me, the best thing about Goldmember, and I've avoided all Lucas projects like the plague since The Last Crusade. All artist I enjoy will eventually do something I don't find appealing, so I don't sweat it.

You mentioned Batman for some reason in relation to penguin quotes.
Yeah, I think I know you too. mad

I'm more a 'kick life in the jimmy' kinda gal, personally.
really want to post - stuff to say - really busy - maybe in a couple days - thanks to MistressXXV and DemiGauge for still stopping by - Thursday's new set kicks ass, congratulations babe. So much to do, so little time - solisis is intriguing. Back soon...
You'll have to forgive my previous entry- I can be a real whiny motherfucker when I'm sick and miserable. Happily, Rx drugs are wonderful thing, and I'm starting to feel better. If my recovery stays on this pace, I'll have no problem going to work tomorrow night.

In fact, it'll be even cooler because there are new kids there and since my illness, my voice...
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wait where are you moving too?
He's moving in with Mephausto.

I'm counting the days until you arrive. Sounds like you've got your transition pretty well laid out.

Good luck with the exit interview. I remember mine from November - ah unemployment.... I dressed in full antiquities goth regalia, pale/black make-up and all. I scared the shit out of my 'supervisor,' but the HR woman doing the interview was pretty cool with it. I love being me. mad
I had a shitty day. I left work, took my car in (again) and went to the doc.

Doc confirmed my worst suspicions that not only do I not have a common cold, I have a sinus infection. The sinuses proceeded to get far worse after having their identity confirmed as the culprit of my malaise.

When I dropped off the car, the guy said...
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As I float between worlds of sleep and half-awake like some damaged satellite, banging off everything in the way, I make my way to the journal.

I was going to change some things in my profile, but the site won't let me, so I guess it stays the same for now. Damn.

Weather here sucks. It's only in the mid-80s during the day, and gets...
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So you're kinda like Sputnipyrat. heh.

The humidity out here is rather bad too. Yesterday there was something akin to a fog at around two in the afternoon. Very, very strange.

Is it just me or it did Thora's nudity kinda undermine what they were trying to do with the scene. Jane didn't believe she was attractive and that she needed larger breasts to be attractive. Ricky saw that her beauty was elsewhere. When he's filming her disrobing he focuses on her face. Had we merely gotten that, I think the scene would've worked better. That we also get a shot of Thora's rather nice...ahem...assets seems to work against the idea that they don't matter. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the scene.

I actually thought that the Spacey cameo was one of the few enjoyable parts of that film. I'm in the minority on that one.
why do you NEED a black titanium watch?
now that meph has found a place for you two, he can come down here and find ME a place to live...
Journal for this day past, the 18th of June, in this foul year of Our Lord 2003 anno domini.

So just as things seem to be rolling along at a nice even pace, however slow that pace may be - shit comes to a grinding halt.

I had a relatively horrific day yesterday by my own standards.

First at work- I worked the long shift...
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kiss kiss kiss

I just write what's in my head, but thank you.

You're a good writer, too.

Neons are total girl cars. I guess that's sexist, but I'm a girl. And I'm not a girly girl, yeah? I would not drive a Neon. No! I'd rather drive a Hummer.

Okay, I'm kidding. I would not be caught dead in a Hummer.
the car salesman RAN alongside the towtruck to harrass you? you should have popped him with your door 'national security' style.
glad to know that your trip west won't be delayed. sorry i haven't been around to wing random insults at you. i've been busy has hell.
you didn't happen to call here at 8am the other day did you?
Hmmm- what've I gone and done now? I'm steadily driving off all the folks that might comment on my journal by being my natural asshole self. Ah well, it was bound to happen eventually. I thought Thursday was joking when she said the deal was off because I'm not a gay immature musician. Shit.

In other news, I realized that while I mentioned that I...
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I couldn't make it through your entire post, but I get the general idea.

CONGRATULATIONS! on your move to Portland. I'm excited to meet you. Let me know when you begin the journey westward.

Thanks for the warm wishes re: Miss Tallahassee. And as for my business partner, I had dinner with him last night and got things back on track. I'll keep you and Josh in mind next time though.