hi world,

not much happening today. my tongue is all swollen up, which kinda sucks, but today is day 2 and 1/2. they told me days two and three would be the worst and the pain and swelling would start ceasing after the third day. so i'm waiting... lol

other stuff... hunter's mom is coming over for dinner tonight. i'm making us a vegetarian lasagna....
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Sounds like your tongue is getting quite the inflated ego.

Hence the swelling, you know?

I'll just shut up now. confused

***My life is like a game of pickup sticks, played by fuckin' lunatics***

hi world,

not much up today. i'm just chillin' and hanging out online. in terms of stuff i have to do... i need to go to the bank and deposit dad's money and make sure i get my appointment re-scheduled with the gastro-enterologist (i'm sure i spelled that wrong). i also need...
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Actually, you spelled it right. smile

Just make sure you're always swigging w/Listerine and eating ice and you should be OK. kiss

looks nice
what's up with the purple??? eeek
What's new in my life...

So today I'm selling my dad's surfboard for him and he's giving me a big cut of the money. I'm going to use it to get my tongue pierced twice this week. I'm not afraid of the pain at all, I'm just a little nervous about the swelling and healing time afterward. I might take out my monroe if I...
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hey world,

it's 7:30 in the morning. i had insomnia and couldn't sleep all night. i'm positive it was from the adderall that i've been taking. i got it prescribed about two weeks ago and i've had nothing but non-stop insomnia. so today i'm switching to ritalin instead and i'm not going to bed, or take any naps until 10 tonight. i have to get...
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love kiss blush

today has been exciting...

i got a new skirt that got me some looks and comments wink and a new pair of jeans, too. i got some tropical fruit flavored lube and some new nose pins. i had a fun day driving around.

now i'm just chillin'... not much to do, but plenty of time to hang out. i signed up for my fall classes today...
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Pics! smile

hi world,

last night was really rad. i went over to ashley's in scotts valley and got totally smashed, hehe. i had 12 shots. i managed to sober up though by five in the morning and head home to crash. 'twas a good time.

today i didn't do much. i practiced skating and went to hunter's mom's with him for dinner. smoked a bit this...
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Why make him an outdoor bunny? Unless they're not housebroken.

hi world,

hmm... what's going on in my life these days? not much. well, actually, i've been doing some interesting things... i got to gardening yesterday with hunter. we worked for four hours and got out all the weeds and planted the whole garden box with watermelons, turnips, tomatoes, potatoes, alyssum, firey sage, african daisies and candytuft. it was hard labor and good for me...
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Good to hear about the diagnosis. smile Hope you are enjoying yourself as always. kiss


Aw, shucks...

heyo world,

today's been pretty good. i basically hung out all day and tomorrow i have a final in english which should be a snap. i was also supposed to deal with the neighbors in court but they post-poned the date or something. whatever. basically ian and i hung out today for the most part. we went swimming and i got some exercise.

so yeah,...
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ok, first, you obviously had no extra lighting. The first ones were pretty dark and the texture was flat because of no lighting. They got better at the end when you had some up close shots.

Also, too many of them were far away. Try and get as little background in as possible unless it is absolutely critical to the set (or theme). Get more body part shots (ie. more of your breast, perhaps a neat angle on our naked thigh, etc). Don't do all you shots from the front. A back shot, peering over your shoulder, a weird shot of your face from between your legs, anything that will grab the viewer and say "hey, that's a cool shot."

Also, your expression remained pretty much the same. The best sets have a wide variety of emotions on the face. Even if the feel if the set is supposed to be sultry or dark or light specifically, a sudden shot of a huge smile or weird face or something out of place makes it much more fun.

I've noticed that the best sets (aside from an awesome, unusual theme) are ones that have "movement" to them. What I mean by that is that it looks like the photographer just kept taking shots as the girls moved about and did her thing. If it LOOKS like you posed, it becomes stagnant and kinda boring.

But, again, the main thing was the lighting. Your skin was blue like the water because there was no diffused light. And unless your theme is "BLUE" that never works. You blend in to the picture too much. You want your skin to POP off the page and stand out.

Oh, also, if you are gonna have makeup on in the water, and then have it run down your face, you need to make it very dark and obvious. Just using a bit and having some barely-there messed up makeup just makes it look messy, like you forgot you had make up on. Go au natural or very dark if you are gonna do something in the water.

Hope that this helps!!

P.S. Next time take off the Ortho Evra patch!

[Edited on Jun 01, 2005 6:05PM]

I just find this pic incredibly sexy. I'm a sucker for runny mascara. love

Sorry to hear it got rejected, hun. Don't let it get you down. kiss

hiya world,

i just got back from the pixies concert i went to tonight. it was pretty good. the lighting and background were fantasic and the band sounded good. i saw guy and sarah, and rode in guy's car to this whole thing. i also saw jared and then ashley and her new roommates. i'm not so sure what i think of ashley's female roommate....
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Cute smile. wink kiss