It's funny how one minute everything is fine and the next minute an atomic bomb just drops on your ass....Granted, I fucked up...but who doesn't....doesn't mean that you shouldn't forgive people...I'm not sure I want your forgiveness anyway...I think I may want to drift on my own for a while....In fact that sounds great.
Thats how everything always happens though. Wouldn't be awesome if we could schedule our personal disasters? Damage control would be much more effective. I hope it all works out for you though
Hey there!
life sux soooooo bad!!!!!!
I do hope things get beeter in time for you dear your beauitful truly,the compassion at heart,the care and kindness that runs deep within you
Wow, ever wondered what it would be like for your parents and both siblings to forget your birthday???? Hey Just ask me...because it so just happened to me yesterday.....what a bunch of fuckers...
Happy late birthday. smile
It's my birthday and I'll sleep if i want to, sleep if i want to, sleep if i want to....lol zzzzzzzzzzzzz yay no work for 3 days...this is gonna be one sweet ass birthday weekend...eeek
Just got done working a 16 hour shift...UGH...I'm soooooo tired...but YAY has the next two days off...Woo Fucking Hoo!!!!!! Not only am I home alone until friday...now I'm home alone AND I don't have to work....Sweet ass!!!!!!!!!
Sleep is calling!! Must...Find...Bed..Can't see....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Love and Pirates ARRR!!!
Hanna a.k.a. Pirate Booty
Has the house to myself ALL WEEK!!!! Home alone??? Whats a girl to do??? Oh wait, I got this, heheheheh wink
Get some Horror movies, make the time interesting!
FUCK MOVING!!!!! Everything is over to the new place...just not all put away yet...I need to hire a professional organizer to help me out...but last time i checked that requires money...which i don't have..UGH....
The days turn into nights and nights into days.....with not much sleep in between...I would love to just have a Lazy day off and do absolutely nothing but that's not gonna...
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Aw. You'll have your lazy day soon enough.. =]
Moving does suck
Once again I'm moving, however not nearly far enough away....only about 20 mins from where I am now....God I hate moving...I hate packing...I kinda hate everything right now....Calgon take me away....nah, fuck Calgon, bring me a beautiful Peter Steele to take me away!!! Yes Yes...much better.... ARRR!!! love and pirates

do they even make Calgon anymore?!
I dunno, but like I said...fuck Calgon, gimme Peter Steele...I know he's still around smile love
Who would have thought that I would have gone from no job forEVER to now I have 2 jobs...I barely have time to think anymore....I am seriously running myself ragged. I need some me time! Some just chilling out relaxing, a day on the couch doing nothing but watching house time...just something...7 days a week is just too much to be working...I firmly believe it...
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Your lucky, send some of those good lucky vibes my way!
Blah, Fathers Day, I hate holidays, it's just something the government came up with to make you spend money that you don't have but you feel like you have to....my fav holiday is Halloween because you don't have to do ANYTHING except look stupid LOL....and no one has to buy anything...except for candy..but hey, who doesn't wanna buy candy??? right?
love and pirates
Hanna ARRR!!!
I hate those holidays too. Why is it necessary to spend money to let someone know you appreciate them?

I agree that Halloween's the best though. skull

We need more dressing up and having fun holidays instead of spend-money-on-loved-ones holidays.
I agree with all that, preach it!