I'm so pumped on this newest set I have going live in just TWO WEEKS!

I've had so much other stuff going on I've been crazy busy with all the projects I have going, and starting my 420 Nurses chapter. I have slacked SO HARD on promoting this set, but that doesn't mean it's any less AMAZING!

I can't wait!!!! 
Oh cool i can t wait

I'm turning 23 today and man oh man, ahs it been a day of reflection.

On past birthdays, the journey I've been through, and how far I've come.

I realize I'm not active here at all, but it's not at all due to a lack of passion. Quite the opposite actually! I've been pushing hard working with a few companies to get myself into a...
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I been FOREVER since I had a set to promote for SG, but my latest release is coming up pretty quick!

I'm so excited to have this long awaited set go live, I can't wait to hear what everyone thinks! I love hearing all of your opinions on my shoots, it helps me know what works, and what doesn't!

Until the set is live, I...
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Man, time flies!

I just realized today is the 3rd anniversary of my first set going live on Suicide Girls!

Wow! Crazy crazy, now I'm finally focused and really pushing to go pink, its been long enough!


I love this weeks homework!

Huge shout out to @missy and @rambo for always keeping it fun and interesting!

What is the most romantic thing you have done or would like done for you?

So I honestly dont know if everyone would consider this romantic, but every relationship is different I guess.

This particular relationship was hugely based on being dorky and stupid together, eating...
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Awesome story 

I was lucky enough to be featured in issue 16 of Sour Magazine recently and I just ordered my copy!

I'm so excited to be in this magazine for a second time, and have a request to submit a set to a new magazine soon as well!

Check out Sour Magazine!

I haven't heard of the magazine but congratulations on being featured in it Gorgeous