its 1:20 am.... we're having a party at my house. ... My roommates are jamming out and playing fleetwood mac covers in the basement. they call themselves mac attack. I think this is the longest I've lasted at any of our parties Its hard for me to maintain when i'm not drinking and everyone else is... so hooray for me for not being a grandma...
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Hey all Its almost that time of year again. yes school will soon be upon me and I have to shell out boku bucks. It makes me ill just thinking about it. Any way if any of you feel in the giving mood feel free to browse my wish list. Its chock full o' textbooks I need for my upcoming classes. It would be such...
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"my, how you've grown"
I remember that phrase
from my childhood days too

"just wait and see"
I remember those words and how they chided me
when patient was the hardest thing to be
Hi cutie ... are you still in the chat room?
ok ok i know its the fourth and i should get my patriotism on and all. but first i must rant. whats more american than ranting?.... for those who wish not to view my rant i shall put it here

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I have removed this because frankly after my original rant i no longer felt i should spew my negativity

how did...
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That was so nice of you to send it to me too, I have only read the first little bit because its 1.20am but Im going to read the rest tomorrow, its really great finding writings with different kinds of perspectives. I find the most helpful thing to keep my mind off stuff and to clear it too is to read things. I think thats nice you deleted you negativity, maybe all you needed to do was to get it out! Have a nice weekend smile x
off to a wedding today. fun fun. Seems this is the year for wedddings. I have 5 more to attend before the year is over. The clouds are gone and dc is drying out. Its gonna be a hot one. have fun in the sun kids
ok so the heavens are unleashing their wrath upon the dc metro area. We got 5 inches of rain yesterday. apparently our basement got two inches. Spent late last night pumping out the basement and rescuing roommates instruments and amps before they started to float away. Good times. If it doesn't let up soon i might build an ark. Anybody want in? ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!! ARRR!!!
I felt like such the mom tonight. Went out to see my roommates play at the black cat. They are on tour opening for a Swedish band called Dungen. My roommates were amazing. I was beaming like a proud parent the whole set. Awww. It gives me warm fuzzies when my friendsare happy and succesful

kiss kiss

Dilema Dilema---- My Friday is being pulled in too many...
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take the party to the doughty show. fun for all!
Not today! Thanks so much!

Do you take cash? wink wink biggrin