baby, im tryin to get home, but you need to guide me. tell me where to be at, and when, and i'll be there.
na bro. we need peace. it took love to remind me that we got shit all wrong. if we want to fix the world we got to lend a helping hand, not a heavy hand. the world needs a hero. but not one thats toting a bag full of guns.
this is my story... part one
friends, i am an exile. banished from my native lands by hateful men bent on death and destruction. i am the first born child of what most people commonly refer to as a mixed marriage. my father is Persian, and my mother is a combination of things that we call a good ol' American. my father immigrated to this...
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And you can't complain to anyone about the Muslim slight that you've received from that NCO. Because it's the the armed forces and that complaint might just make your time there worse...I feel for you.
i want to give ya'll something to chew on while i sit here patiently waiting for my love to make a move.

love isn't a one way street,
when we both fuck up,
i can't be left taking all the heat.
loves supposed to be some Bonnie and Clyde,
ride or die shit.
but when it comes time to pay the bill,
yo my girl...
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Emi, you like to go horseback riding baby? well i'm a stallion, and my dicks the saddle. so giddy up and lets go baby. kiss
but it is. she needs me just like i need her. and there is no shame in me wanting to make love to my woman. i can't express it any clearer, baby i need you. you think i want to give my love to anyone else? do you really think that i want anyone other than you to be receiving the fruits of my efforts? but you gotta think how i'm feeling right now. that which brings me the greatest joy, that makes me feel whole, the reason that i exist keeps brushing me off. i've died a thousand deaths for this girl, and i would die a thousand more if thats what it would take to get her back to me. but she just keeps running away. and i'm not going to stop running after her.
lol, don't sell yourself so short hommie. our gadgets are only as capable as we are. peace.
i just blew three G's over the past two days trying to get my mind right. in the end all it took was a pretty little mommie with a bangin body, not quite EMI status, ta get the job done. i've been spending to much time lately trying to fix other people that i've neglected myself. i got needs, i got appetites that i needs...
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i wanted to tell you this privately, but you wont allow me that luxury, so i'm just going to have to profess it here i guess.
there aren't enough moments in a second, seconds in a minute, minutes in a day, days in a month, months in a year, years in a life time, life times in an eternity, for me to be spending them...
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