Good afternoon to all

Sadly for me I am scrunched up on the sofa with the mystery illness and juice through a straw but this gives me time to update. The Main update is my de-stress week - YEY. We, me and 2 guys (no third) went to Bognor Regis Butlins for 5 days of booze, sugar and karaoke and of course there are photos...
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Sucks that you're ill again chuck. Wish they could figure it out properly. Keep me updated regarding house stuff xx
its american pancakes with maple syrup, bacon and butter biggrin OM NOM NOM

ye gimme a shout when your about smile
Afternoon all

Apologies for being totally hopeless in updating but I think maybe my brain has been so overloaded with stuff that all the little things have been pushed to one side and all the big things are so heavy on my mind that they become a big blur, YUK. Oh well, since my last update:

Although I never made it to the Birthday Meet...
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Its a good day, no a GREAT day today, slightly less than yesterday where admittedly i was bouncing to my ipod because I woke up in such a good mood I felt like I was on cloud 10. Today has been very productive though...the kitchen is now as spotless as I can make it...just the living room, bedrooms and bathroom to go!

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I loved 127 hours - really gripping ey! New Year sounds full and fancy. Love your way wink
Hello All

Well the first week of the new year is over, and my god it's been a struggle. I can't remember ever having such a rough start to a year and it has been said that putting too much value is commercial anomalies like this can have dire consequences. DOH!

During the first hour of 2011 I managed to feel beyond ill from drinking...
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Sorry to hear that the new year has been a bit of a struggle so far. Hope things get better for ya! Best of luck with your project! biggrin
It's been the shortest, londest, weirdest, most messed up, amazing year

That makes no sense...I realise this...but it is all true.

This year has had so much stuffed into it like a giant pie, so much so that as it was cooking, the filling oozed out of the top and dripped onto the tray.

What have I done...there's so much it is hard to list...
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Happy New Year! biggrin

I cannot believe it has gone so fast and now its here...oh my

The presents have been wrapped, the tree looks great and the snow is finally melting away so everyone can hopefully get home for Christmas

I know I should feel the Christmassy spirit, this is the first Christmas in a long time I have spend with someone other than myself,...
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Merry Christmas to you as well! Hope you have a great one biggrin
Hello All

Its been nearly two weeks since my last update, and there not a lot to update on but...it being me..there's PHOTOS!

Last Monday I finally got round to meeting with the WRVS for my community writer placement which I have to do next semester for uni..it went REALLY well and fingers crossed for me starting on January 10th smile

Tuesday sucked as despite the...
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I love how much Titch likes you smile

That was a really great night. Love that picture of us kiss

HIStERICAL was funny but there were quite a few flaws in their set up. Hopefully, if they do make a series out of it, they will make adjustments to the format.
On todays show we are asking...
Is a new years friends purge really that heartless?

Its been a rough week to say the least. I would expect uni work and travelling and housework to wear me down but no, not the case.

Last Monday some of my friends staged an intervention. They all said they would meet me in the uni bar separately but when...
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Good to have met you last night.
nice to meet you the other day x
Where the hell have I been, my bed feels like a foreign entity.

OK since I updated last I have has my hair trimmed, finally! One of those things I never seem to have time for but yey for not having tatty hair now :-)

I went on a 5 day excapade to London, the first night of which was Anonwhymous's birthday do where...
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Its been a while since I updated, though apparently not as long as its been since I updated my writers blog. I cant work out whether there has been so much going on that I just have not had time or that I have been doing the same old thing so much that every day has just merged into one.
Either way, since I last...
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I had a wikid time smile and yea met lots of nice new people and also got to catch up with some others which is always nice smile

How are you lady?: