Dear SG, I am all smiles and his name is..well nona your business! wink

Good weekend, I'm quite pleased. Tiger rescue Sat morning and got to hang out with someone who is quite nice and certainly a change for me. Met the new resident, a bobcat names "Collins" which is not a name I'm too thrilled with but whatever. Had my riding lesson and rocked it...
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Tonight I'm eating greasy yummy corn beef hash (lack of anything else except maybe oreos) for dinner and drinking fat tire, and I may even get stoned. All by my lonesome. I've been a little depressed today, even cried. GRR! But I got to tour NC State College of Veterinary Medicine and talked to a lady about possibly externing there for school, it's super competitive...
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Wanna come over? Adventure.
That sounds fun, but gosh that's an awfully long drive! tongue
You are feeling a little bit muddled when it comes to love, Leo, and you may just need to take a break from it all today. This is a time where whether you are single or attached, there is too much in the air for you right now, and it is not a great day to make plans or decisions. It could be hard to...
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Seriously?! REALLY!?! FUCK

I am so ill today! Fucking crazy aunt woke me up at 5 in the goddamned morning storming and stomping around the house for god only fucking knows what reason. Then I get to school, in class, and everyone is asking me whats that sticking out my bumper on my car? fucking two foot STICK in my bumper which made a HUGE...
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And I will. I will get over this because I'm strong enough.
Ho hum. Feeling a tad bit lonely tonight. Spent the day in the car with my aunt and uncle just driving through the Uwharrie mountains. Just finished watching West Side Story, so I'm a little down. jeez what a long movie. I'm trying to be unconcerned that tomorrow is Valentines day, I'll be busy during the day taking care of cows, horses and tigers, but...
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Shoot, I wish I had read this blog before I sent you my message for the day.....
aww no worries!
Well. So I wasn't going to post a blog tonight, but something has come up that I really need to get off my chest. I just found out some information on the third party member that so affected my relationship with my now ex fiance. Apparently this persons presence also had bad effects on another friends relationship with HER fiance in pretty much the same...
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Today may be good for doing something proactive as far as health is concerned, Leo. It appears as if stress from frustration may be keeping you from doing something you really enjoy today. It also could be that you have to make adjustments in your schedule or activities to compensate for a temporary physical inconvenience. But there is an opportunity period this afternoon that give...
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How many times have I told you that my name isn't Leo mad

Just kidding. What is medical rotation? Are you in med school?
I'm a Veterinary Medical Technician student. I'm in my final semester where we do rotations of different things that we would do in a clinic, surgery, dentistry etc. Medical is vaccines and such, routine things you would see an animal for.
That's right, I put way too much interest into these facebook horoscopes tongue :

Some kind of interruption is likely to upset the flow of your plans today, Leo. It is not your fault that this happens; a decision made elsewhere that you did not know about, or the weather, or other force of nature is behind this. It's likely to affect your relationships, and...
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Todays Horoscopes:

Be really careful about judging others with whom you are in a relationship, Leo. There is some sort of deception afoot, and at times like these, it is all to easy to jump to a conclusion, more specifically, the wrong conclusion. There is a thread of compulsion running through your day's planets as well, which could mean a desire to overindulge or...
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I know the feeling of sacrificing so much of ones self for a relationship to give more than you can in a limited and seclusive amount of time,it drains and weakens you,I know the feeling of that determination to make things work yet things still ended badly at the cost of being hurt and damaged greatly,and I must say that it's nice to know someone else has risen from that and sines as well
You know dear I do that even though I am bashed I hold it never against them from they're spiteful words to me,I never do so because in my heart I do not care who they are or what they believe in
they are my family and there is nothing that will break me of that
This is one of those times when I need assurance. Tell me that the monsters under my bed really are just my imagination, because without your confirmation they just get bigger and scarier. It's easier to be strong, when you tell me too. Patience feels like torture. You may need space and I'm trying so hard. But I need things too. I need to know...
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