Uh, it's early. I got up this morning way early. So now I am sitting here watching Stargate Universe. I'm enjoying it.

Now to update you on my life. As of today my wonderful wife is 35 weeks pregnant. It is so amazing. Last night when I went to bed I placed my hand on her belly and just felt my little boys moving around....
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Glad to hear shes doing better!
So things are going pretty good. The job is so so. I posted for a full time position but I really don't expect to get it. I will try my damnedest to get it if I interview. So we are in week 30 of the pregnancy and all is well. We have a doctors appointment on Friday. We should get measurements and stuff. Basically we...
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So today was a good day. The babies are coming along well. LissaJoan had a test done on her and it came back negative. So as far as we know no really early babies. Everything seems to be fixing itself.

So when I got to the doctors office I actually missed half the appointment. There is a really good reason for it.
The wife made...
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thx for the compliment...

smile thank you so much your comment on my set really stood out about the 3rd picture and just really thank you that helps me know I'm growing as a model!

And yeah, work can be rough. Yesterday I had a few good hours, a few bad hours, and I think I averaged out to about 10 an hour. *shrug* I'm sure ONE week without good figures won't kill me. It's still just frustrating since I have no clue why my numbers sucked!
awwww she's adorable
This is Buster being Buster. This is from the last apartment.

Quite well! I went back to school last fall. I should finish up next May...just in time for the class of 2000 reunion and a 9-day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean. smile

Grats, by the way, on the pregnancy! biggrin
Also, your cat and my cat are cut from the same kitty cloth. Shamus is FOREVER doing stuff like that!
Plan B is now in effect. The lovely wife is now under house arrest by doctors orders. Not bed rest but no out and about for her unless it is to go see the doctors.
So yeah today started off like crap, but it got better. I was up around five this morning for no damn reason. My wife was up to but after a morning quickie she went right back to sleep.I on the other hand was still wide awake.

So now it has turned out to be a much better day. First off around 11 my buddy Adam...
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smile blush
Woke up way to damn early. I mean come on it's saturday and I've been up since 5:00a.m.
So some of you may remember my blog back in January. My wife and I lost our little baby girl, It was a tragic time for us but we have accepted the loss. It does still hurt, though. A lot of things have happened since then. Some so so, but others incredible. In December we are expecting two new members into our family. Yes I...
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Thank you...
And congrats on your future twins!! smile
That's amazing!
So had a wonderful extended weekend, and the best thing I still don't have to go back to work until wednesday. Went to the outer banks on thursday. I saw the Lost Colony. It was weird to sit in the audience and watch it since I was in the show so many years ago. They cut the show down a bit so it was only...
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Sounds like a lovely trip. I'm glad you had fun and got to relax a little bit.
I am a dumb ass for leaving the lights on in my car. Now I am stuck in Norfolk for the night. Oh well it's been years since I have slept on the floor.