this is my brother's obituary, abbreviated because you dont need to know all about my family (lots of full names are listed in the "survived by" portion):

GLOUCESTER Jed James R., born on Feb. 19, 1964, in New York City, passed away on Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2009 in Gloucester.

Jed is fondly remembered for his gentleness of spirit. People were often struck by his quiet...
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what i wrote in my last post remains true. but i found a letter my brother wrote me 10 years ago and there was something he said that has stuck with me, like the meat and potatoes to the ribs of my coping with this:

"we must be uncommonly strong to be uncommon people."- jjr.

i cry nightly. this wound is still so, so fresh...
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my brother died.
he was like a stranger i was really really close to because he was in and out of my life a lot. he was an adult when i was born. but he was my brother and i love him and now he's gone.
I'm so srry. My condolences

I am so sorry sweetie.
Keeping you in my thoughts
please come visit me at work tomorrow, thurs 9/3 at baby bo's cantina: 627 2 ave between 34 n 35 street in manhattan. i'm waitressing/ bartending from 1115 to 4pm.
i need money!!
and i went to see a neurologist this morning, hungover. i've been having numbness that comes and goes that the doc thinks is due to migranes that dont come at the same time at the numbness. we're putting a request in with my insurance for an mri to rule out other things.

also, my grandmother died around 5am.
I'm so sorry. My grandma died last fall, and I was closer to her than to anyone else in my family.
It was funny running into you. It had been a while, so I wasn't 100% sure it was you. We had gun at Gonzoes. I'd make a horrible cop btwsmile
o to the u to the c to the h. momma's good but i just finished a 14 hour shift at the restaurant. steady busy all day. exhausted.
everyone send good thoughts to beth israel. momma's having thyroid surgery wednesday.
sending good thoughts

did bday celebrating tonight. eating a sammich which i dont normally do at this hour but had enough to drink that i actually need it considering i have to work at 11am. no good.
upside: coney island sunday afternoon with the friendfam (friends who are more like fam than my actual fam is)- kat, jon, minal, lauren and hopefully loren, kat's boy.
it's Kat's...
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Good luck, get those pain killers out and drink lots of energy drink hahahha! tongue
i'm really enjoying listening to asher roth's album.

i thought you should know.

thanks for letting us know!
you're welcome.
due to unprecedented levels of douchebaggery, my cousin's friend's sister has my blackberry.
how did you manage that?
i didnt manage shit. he took it from my bag (or right next to my bag, not positive) when we were at a bar last wednesday. i called my cousin when i got home and realized i didnt have it and he said oh yeah, my friend said he found a blackberry. and i said his friend should work on getting it the fuck back to me. my cousin told him who it belongs to and the friend sold it to his sister. so he has to buy it back from her and give it to my cousin who'll get it back to me.
problem is, despite selling a blackberry pearl, he still doesnt have minutes on his phone so my cousin's having issues tracking him down.
i'm gonna get the serial number for the bb from at&t and my detective friend (an actual nypd detecive) will try to track it (and him) down.