Moved into the new digs. Pretty cool so far, but I still need to paint all of the rooms.First up is the munchkin's place so that I can put her crib together and give her some little person space. Then it's on to the office which should be much quicker since there's no edging/flowery decals to worry about painting over.

School is kicking my ass....
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Wow! Well, thanks for the compliment biggrin
Looking forward to maybe helping out with ideas smile
Hmm, where to start? I've found something better than an apartment. I'll be moving into a three bedroom one bath house. Even better, it's just across the street from my best friends. How cool is that? It looks like things are starting to ever so slowly fall into place. Said new place is close enough that I'll still be able to go to school. It's...
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Thanks for the happy birthday wish.
Haha, maybe! Everyone I date seems to want babies right now... its freaking me out :/
Hmmm. No news to report. Trying to get that woman served is like trying to nail down snot. I checked with legal aid and they can't help me since "A" tried to get them to help her with her last divorce. Now they can't help me because it creates a conflict of interest.

The one semi good thing to come of all this is that...
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Sorry this is a little late, but thanks for commenting on Barrel Chair, it means a lot to me!

Hope you're having a great new year! kiss
Well after a year and half hiatus (give or take) I'm back. With an 8 month old daughter who I'll be raising by myself. I guess I should kick myself in the ass for marrying her mother, but I was in love (and I do still love the woman I fell in love with and proposed to. But that woman only exists when she takes...
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Thanks for the compliment. I did change it to a more....conservative photo for some reason. I'll change it back at some point.
Wow, that was frustrating. I went to get my li'l buddy re-pierced and the piercing shop moved. A couple of months ago. (I gotta get out more.) Down'hearted, I went to the comic shop instead and wound up spending a hundred bucks on comics. Granted they're (for the most part anyway) some good solid title, but still... I think it was the trade paperbacks that...
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Soooooooooooooooooooo booooooooooooooooooooooored!!!! blackeyed
ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa eeek eeek eeek ooo aaa ooo aaa ooo aaa Saw Clerks 2 yesterday. Review to follow.
Ok now I'm pissed. I got my stock for Milla in last night and put it on her. So far so good. Then this morning I notice that the rear takedown pin is pretty stiff so I start to fiddle with it. After thirty minutes of swearing and sweating I get it mostly apart and find the culprit. A tthirty cent peice of plastic that...
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