I woke up this morning and thought, "I want to get pierced today."

So I did.

I've wanted my rook done ever since I found out what it was, so I just went to my piercer and did it. The decision was mostly impulsive, but I did do some quick math in my head to make sure I'd be able to pay my rent next...
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Yep, the top one is the rook.
If getting pierced was a painless procedure, I'd have a lot more of them. A lot more! wink
Last night, as I was sitting on my bed with a summer reading book (I know, summer reading in college, whodathunk?), I heard a knock on the front door.

"Oh," I think to myself, "must be my girlfriend coming back from the gym. She said she didn't have her keys, so I'd better go let her in."

I thump down the stairs and open the...
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Yeah, I am, and I love it. It's always cool to hear from someone who knows where the hell Evanston is, as opposed to me just saying it's near Chicago.
Evanston is gorg! My father-in-law headed the Nuclear Engineering Dept. there before he retired. I effing love that campus! Plus you get the bonus of being right on that ocean of a lake!... *sigh*
I suppose I should make use of this thing, so here it is.

After working two hellish weeks of canvassing for an environmental organization (READ: going door-to-door and selling my soul by asking people for money) and spending another three weeks unemployed, I found a job that shouldn't suck too badly. I will be a "barista" (READ: coffee wench) at the cafe of a very...
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Roller derby, eh? As a spectator or combatant? Either way, that's awesome; it's a dying artform (no thanks to the movie Rollerball)

You should enjoy the coffee wench stuff. But, do try to put some decent music on for the guy like me. ( If I hear "I would walk five hundred miles"..one more time....)

Just a spectator at roller derby for now, unfortunately, because I've got a year to go before I meet the minimum age requirement. I love it though, and I can't wait to try out.

I wish I had control over the music at the cafe, but I doubt I will. It'll probably be the same elevator music that they play in the whole bookstore. Bah.