Is anyone else having issues with this site. My SG.com page is't updating sets and when I find them under the pics link they show up with a "only for members block.

Secondly and more important my "MYSG" page is not updating me on my friends activities. I can go to there page and see new blogs and pics but I might miss some fun...
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It's happening to me too
Haha my penis is officially on this site. If you must see it message me for link. Maybe?
haha you must have a very memorable dick if she was still thinking about it a year later wink
Ahh, see this is the beauty of Chris and I's relationship is that it's always been so much more than 'just friends' but he is indeed my best friend. We love each other terribly but relationships are far too messy and my head doesn't need one. This is a guy who wants to marry me and have my babies. You know something that we all start to crave at some point in our life. He's 26, we met when we were teenagers. And I'm rambling but, not all guy FRIENDS are just that. Some of us girls are really cool and really care about you guys kiss
Haha Tovi got me thinking about this old story and I felt the need to share it with everyone.

Prologue: I got really drunk one night and on a que from drinking buddies tried to cut off my penis (it did not work the scissors thank god only made it bout half way before I got to light headed to continue so I went to...
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i know that its bigger than that cause if i can see it then your camera can see it!!!
Holy shit dude! This story is entirely disturbing on one hand and oddly entertaining on the other! What the hell were you drinking that night so that I can be sure to avoid it in the future?!
Karma is a bitch unless it is happening to someone else than it can be HILARIOUS.

My Ex just wrote a blog about being sad that her ex broke up with her and then was engaged in 5 days.

doesn't sound too funny I know but when we broke up she had a new boyfriend in two days. I was mad at the time...
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are you always on SG or what!!! anytime i post anything you are on top to it!!! TRUST ME I am not complaining AT ALL!!!! I love hearing from you, i will make sure that my roommate or i will post my boot camp address and hope for mail from you!!!

Thanks aleta you are pretty sexy yourself!!! *blush*
he's too little to play games just yet.. he is really good at throwing the controllers though lol
oh my goodness, that is crazy about the flood!!! be careful!! I am sure you hear that all the time but... you know, i had to say it!!

about your puppy, that is so sad that he is diabetic.... i am glad to hear that he is feeling better now tho!!!

come to florida and i will help you relax!!!

hugs and kisses!!!
ooooh... that's not fair... well, you'll always be a ginger on the inside biggrin

and my god! I hope you're week is getting better
Love that squirrel, it's sooo cute love

[I was looking for your post on Dante's Inferno: I've read it last night but I didn't leave any commen as I was falling asleep on my laptop >.<
I liked your post A LOT! Maybe because I found it extremely introspective and interesting, maybe also because when I was in the high school I've had to study all the Divina Commedia and I fell in love with that book.
It's good to know that there are intelligent, witty and interesting people like you in this world!]
WARNING!! this blog is overly dramatic and kinda whiny so don't read it if you can't take that.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

So this weekend has been reminiscent of one of my favorite books "Dante's Inferno." I know that may seem a little dramatic and it is if you think I am saying that I traveled through hell. I am not I am comparing my...
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im terrible at looking into cameras lol have you noticed? thx for the akward comment hun tongue jkjkjk i<333u biggrin
What do you do, for a living? Whatever it is, I bet it's pretty bad ass.smile
Met a killer eye to eye tonight. He was scared of me behind a camera and bowed his head to me. Not really sure how to take this strange turn of events.
is this why you were in the cop car? i understand now. tongue you cant just shock me like that! lol
im looking forward to your blog, i love to watch ride alongs, cops, and all that fun stuff on tv. smile
Met a killer eye to eye tonight. He was scared of me behind a camera and bowed his head to me. Not really sure how to take this strange turn of events.
Today was a strange day I was shooting a mudslide on the side of the highway. I finished packed up my gear and another photog from another station got into the spot I was just shooting from and suddenly he was hit by a Car. I was litteraly 50 seconds away from getting run over.

The other guy left in an ambulance In Charley condition...
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It was white actually. And thank you wink
thats insane!!!!

i dont think any of your comments have anything to do with your blog!! smile

when my ass and boobs hit the internet you will be the first to know!!!! smile