Well what a day. I had to work with miss perfect nurse today. She felt that she had to teach me how to do the things I already know how to fucking do!!! God I hate that. So I just smile and nod and think about putting her head in a vice and slapping it with a tac hammer. lol Besides that the sun is...
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Thanks for the comments! Sorry to hear about your love woes. People always try to put their best foot forward, but often their best foot is not who they are at all. It is created out of the need to impress and once thats gone, well, you know : )
Take care
my gym is my crosstrainer...and it's still in my old appartment hehe wink
And so we come to the close of our glorious weekend not much to tell really for me. It rained with big fucking drops that seemed to be aimed at me every time I went out side. frown lol I hope every one is doing ok Vanessa I am thinking about you sorry about your friends mom frown Well every one smile and smile big because I...
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So I played soccer last night we lost mad My defense sucked last night but out of 40 sum odd shots I saved all but 3 yeah me. Feel much better today!! The sun is shining and I get to Study I can't wait my favorite thing to do on a day off puke Well I hope every one is having a great weekend drink one for...
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if i was having a drink this weekend i'd have one for you too!!

yeah, tell me about it, it was sunny here today again but freeezing frown

So what does it mean to really love when all that happens is destruction of ones heart??? I mean pain seems to be the only thing that occupies my heart. It seems that I love and then I loath. Which one sounds better. I loved someone like I have never loved before I let every wall down and she ate it up like a pariah....
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So now we might just get this right I am now figuring out where to write in my journal instead of adding a comment to my own fin journal. Wow and to think I might be a doctor someday. biggrin Hope everyone is having a good weekend and smile! Thanks for the Bday wishes yall made it better than my own family all of them except...
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