I can hardly believe that a week from now, I finally (FINALLY!) get to see Portishead live at the PNE Coliseum. Not the venue I would have chosen but it doesn't really matter. I've waited 15 years for this. This is a bucket list show for me so I've secured leave from work and I'm going to enjoy the fuck out of myself with a...
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Hey, do you have a US psn account? If you do i can get you an uncharted mp code from Subway. I assume that all of the bonuses that you earn will only translate over to the retail copy ONLY for the US profile though. Also, Portishead... So jealous. That's one of the few that i never caught in my concert chasing days. You know, I'm, kind of disappointed with what i perceive to be a lack of enthusiasm from a lot of the gaming outlets regarding Extra Life this year. Playstation Nation was the only one that i follow that was constantly pushing it to get donations and to post results as they came in. I'd hate to feel that they all just got on the bus last year because it was the in thing, and couldn't give a fig about it this year. They could have really aided in doubling that amount.
So I've collected $549 in donations through my donor page here and almost $200 more in cash donations to surpass my achievement last year of $500! I want to thank those who have helped and continue to help! You can continue to donate through to next week to help the Children's Miracle Network buy live saving equipment for Children's Hospitals Worldwide!
Huge thanks to Jorryn...
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I missed our session Saturday, but I'm down to help you finish up any time you have left. Also, i tip my cap to you sir. A job well done.
It's about the kids yo! The fucking kids! Watch these videos and melt your heart. Donate. It's the right thing to do!

These kids continue to inspire me and drive me on! I know SG cares! Show it! Please help.
Thank you! biggrinlovekiss
It is for a great reasonsmile
Yeah, I'm down. Saturday night will be best for me, but it's really about what you need to play. So let me know. Are you planning on playing other multiplayer titles? I have a few that I'd run with you on.
(*updated w/videos and more stuff!) I now have some official Celebrity endorsement for my charity from Jets Overhead! They were kind enough to post a link to my Extra Life page. If you haven't donated but would like to, just follow the link here and click donate and help heal sick kids! You can remain anonymous and get a tax receipt! It's a good...
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Happy Thanksgiving my Canadian friends! My gift to you is this video that rocks so hard!
I so rarely ask for anything, and I don't know if anyone ever reads my blog, but I have to make my plea; Friends in SG land, the gamers, the awesome, I am taking on one of the biggest challenges I have ever had to face; for the second year in a row, I am trying to raise money for Extra Life, a charity...
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10-4 smile
Thanks brother man.
Victory! The Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously determined that the Insite Safe Injection sight will remain open! This will be a huge turning point in our battle against addiction and by extension poverty and homelessness here in BC. I don't know if anyone will read this but those who do not know, Vancouver has one of the largest drug using populations in North America...
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Hilariously and coincidentally enough, tomorrow! I'm coming for just a few hours though; taking the 11:30 ferry (after an appointment here), making a 2:45 appointment in town, having dinner at the Thai place, and then making the 7pm ferry back to the mainland. If you have the time free, I'll likely be at the Thai place around 4:30 or 5!! I think Booth can make it for dinner.
Yup that's the place!!
A new Death in Vegas album dropped on Tuesday after nothing for almost 9 years?! Sweet!

Oh! I'm also permanent as of today and got a raise and I'm dog sitting this weekend and have a dinner date for tomorrow night! Been awhile since I tried romancing a lady.
After months of referring my clients to various community resources, shelters, health clinics, and food banks, we finally got to get out the past few days and meet the people working hard to help those in need. It was nice to finally put faces to people I have talked with on the phone numerous times or seen their signatures scrawled on various documents and to...
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Just finished reading "Get Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline yesterday and fuck is it a fun read! If you enjoy pop-culture and video games and D&D you'll love this book. Even if you don't, you would still have a fun time reading this and then looking up some of the stuff mentioned in its pages. Geek Gold!
Sweet, great recommendation.
lol i wonder if you're drunk already!!