Further to yesterday's entry, re: Webster's killing spree.

Another sad little rodent (the same as last nights I hope was lay forlorn upon the kitchen floor this morning.

I really don't like the way he's eyeing me at the moment.

It's probably the fact he'd have a bloody hard time getting my corpse through the cat-flap thats putting him off icing me and burying me...
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Webster is a stone cold killing machine miao!!

I came down this morning to find another dead mouse in the middle of the kitchen floor.

I'm sat watching TV tonight, when his nibs comes in through the catflap, plods into the living room then suddenly scarpers back into the Kitchen.

Suddenly pouncing upon the stunned rodent that he'd plopped in the present zone!

He took it...
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Well as I was berated by someone on the beer group for not writing about my beer experiences I thought I'd better put a line in here about the trip to Stockort Beer Festival on the 4th!

It was it's second year at Stockport County's stadium Edgley Park. A very different venue from the last time I'd visited two years ago when it was held...
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A new month a new date.

Met Kitty last night. She's very nice and I think that she might like me too.

However I also heard from Fiona today who turns out to very very clever, something that I find very very attractive!

I hate to get into the enviable position of having to make a choice, as last time I had to I think...
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Webster is continuing on his quest to leave something ghastly for me to find in the morning.

So far we've had: A fan Belt, Half a Bird's nest, and now a dead Shrew (they're te ones with the little snout things aren't they?).

I have now taking to comming downstairs to feed him rather like a sapper crossing a minefield, the glasses come on and...
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Thank you...very much!
Got back from Steve's stag do in one piece, only casualty being my right shoulder bruiesed due to recoil (turns out I'm a dab hand at clay pigeon shooting!). What's happened in the meantime?

Went to the theatre with Michelle. Double mistake, the show (modern adaptation of Dracula-V.BAD) was crap and I get the impression that Michelle wants to give it another go. I don't...
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I bet a modern adaptation of Dracula could be either wonderful or dreadful - apparently the latter in your case.
The internet virus - hahaha - that's horrible.
Off to York on Saturday for Steve's Stag Do! Just hope that the Jinx that has prevented me from reaching the town centre in the past doesn't come in to play? Little chance of flooding I'm told....We'll see.

We're going shooting clays and a spot of archery in the afternoon , which is a first having never drawn a bow or fired a gun before...
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Thanks for joining the Doctor Who group!

Yea, that music....never scared me away, but it definitely has an extremely unearthly and eerie sound. While I've liked a few variants, the Baker music/intro will forever stick in my childhood mind as the sounds of being lost in the horrors of infinite alien worlds and times....
hey, cheers.. im very glad of the new show too, as id hate to have missed out on dr who completely!!
Well what's been happening?

Get up, feed cat, iron shirt go to work, come home, feed cat, make tea, eat tea, watch tv, fall asleep watching tv, go to bed.

What a fun packed jet set playboy lifestyle...I need a change frown
Fantastic beer list you posted in the Brewpub group! I took a memorable trip to Manchester (though I don't remember much of it! wink ) a few years ago for the CAMRA Winter Festival, and sampled all of the locals you list in some fantastic pubs.

I've also had great beer from Bath, Coniston, Timothy Taylor's, Titanic, etc., etc.

me too
Wel that's that with Michelle. 3 Months to the day of our first date and it' over. Though it always seemed that she was wanting out.

Can't believe it now. Mood swings one minute everyting would be right as rain and then moments later she'd be picking apart and finding fault in everything I did.

Well no more. You can only put up with that...
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Haha, thank you!
Did you find that Doctor Who episode on a torrent, or P2P? I'm having a hard time tracking it down....care to hook a brotha up!? smile
Hahaha thought you'd got rid of me eh? Well you were all wrong

Membership renewed, another 12 months of my unrelenting tedium to put up with.

Whatever shall we do?! tongue wink