
no, but her enormous hooters are obvious......


her breasts make my mouth water, obviously

it's really good to hear from you POG

In some ancient cultures, it was the practice periodically to destroy the entire city, move up into the hills, and wait for the end of the world....
remember when lee scratch perry burned down his recording studio to start anew.
something about demons....
So what do you think of the 2012ists? Is the current 2012 obsession something to which one should give credence or is it merely the last remaining vestige of the pre-millennial tension which many feel in the run up to a new millennium (carefully nurtured and kept alive by the vested financial interests of fringe book authors / publishers)?
So when was the last time you had this dream: it's the first day of classes, and you don't know your schedule or where anything even is, and you're wandering around campus as your anxiety level creeps upward... This one ended for me this morning with me lying prone on the sidewalk, laying my head on my books, and falling asleep! confused biggrin
Don't feel bad, just about everyone is as tired of themselves as you are....
Ha ha! Very good journal entry! smile
your welcome! my world is a funny old place... biggrin
EASTER FUN (heh heh heh):

When the night shows, the signals grow on radios.
All the strange things, they come and go as early warnings.
Stranded starfish have no place to hide,
Still waiting for the swollen Easter tide.
There's no pointing direction,
We cannot even choose a side.

I took the old tracks, the hollow shoulder across the water.
On the tall cliffs, they...
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no probs, it is a little weighty, but i enjoyed it in the end. so, did you enjoy your easter break?
Nice song lyrics! smile
Ok, that is fairly long. I'll have to wait until sometime next week to read it.
Happy Birthday, matey smile

...so I'm back. I was missing the place, anyway.

How're all you fine people doing?
hey! i knew there had to be a reason why i didn't delete you when you went gray. welcome back! smile
Hi All,

My sub is about to run out, and for various reasons I won't enumerate, I won't be re-upping.

I love the hot young thangs, but honestly....

I encountered many interesting characters here, got to know a few really nice people, and maybe even a couple folks who could be true friends (I think you know who you are).

Thanks to everyone who ever...
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hey, it was good to be in space with you.
shoot me a line if you are in philadelphia.
vaya con dios, dude. november 17th, should be a good one. again.
From something I read the other day (as if you needed to be reminded):

The United States consumes about 21 million barrels of petroleum every day. About 85 million barrels a day is produced in the entire world. The US thus consumes about a fourth of the supply, even though it has only 5 percent of the world's population.

Weren't we born lucky? Don't you...
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absolutely! consumption embiggens that heart!!

it's great when you see the mormons in guatemala or something. all the natives want to say yes to the american way, even when sold by a boy with a pocket protector. the mormons are selling their new gods, but the locals think they will get new cars and tv's out of their deal with the later day scents!

Romney-Romel 08!

I agree with you this country is the best. I have been around when I was in the marines. this is the ony place I would want to live in.
Yesterday on my drive to work--the main road going the other way was backed up from the outerbelt all the way to the edge of town. Nearer the office, the 65 mph lanes running to my exit were going at about 35 or less. With this extra time to think, I'm looking at the endless lines of cars, all with only one person in them,...
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first, your right, maybe antonio banderas will teach thousands of prisoners the electric slide. kinda creeps me out the idea of a hollywood version, and yes the tranny beating made me scared too, because i am such a big pussy.

now your last post, i just read. i am glad you have somewhere to grieve the slender hot babe who died and is now living in the body of a woman with a big and getting bigger ass. it's clear that you love her, and it's normal to grieve.

when i got up to 240 or so pounds, i told my wife that i'd be gone a lot at the gym, but if i didnt go i was going to die well before her. now i am fit (only 187 at 5'11'', which is officially still 10 pounds overweight), and she is still somewhere between normal and morbidly obese. but my example did help get her to lose some weight and go to the gym. i think she'd go more, but she has health problems.

too bad 'curves' isn't coed, because i think its a good program for fat ladies (like my mom), because they don't have to deal with the push up bra ambercrombie and fitch across a tight bun crowd, which is only motivating for old voyuers like you and me.

but she might go if you go. or if she can watch her favorite show while sweating.

me, i listen to punk rock (even started buying new bands!) and watch football. that's why fall is a good season for me to slim. summer sucks, because i love BEER GAWDDAMMIT! (tho after 1 or 2, i can switch to seltzer)

piece out old man
I Have Such a Teacher

Last night my teacher taught me the lesson of Poverty:
Having nothing and wanting nothing.

I am a naked man standing inside a mine of rubies,
clothed in red silk.
I absorb the shining and now I see the ocean,
billions of simultaneous motions
moving in me.
A circle of lovely, quiet people
becomes the ring on my finger.

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whatever, hippie. biggrin im just kidding, it sounds like a peaceful and resplendent wish. howve you been, buckeye?
Very beautiful elemental imagery. Perhaps I am pushing the analogy a bit far but you could adapt it for meditating upon the elements. A mine of rubies; Earth and Fire. The ocean; Water. The storm; Air, Fire and Water. With inner wealth such as that who would seek worldly power?

I love to imagine the sound of the ocean. One of my fantasies is to live in tower on a rocky island in the middle of the vast ocean listening all day to waves breaking upon the rocks (obviously a rather impractical fantasy but it makes for pleasant daydreams).

If I have difficulty sleeping, one of my methods of dealing with it is to start up a meditative breathing pattern (e.g. breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 2, breathe out for 4, hold for 2 etc) and then once the pattern has begun to flow naturally, I imagine myself seated upon a rock on sea coast such as Devon. I feel the roughness and solidity of the rock (I have always loved rocks, the way they feel, the texture, to feel the weight of a lump of weathered stone in my hand, to look at it closely and see the tiny grains or crystals of which it is composed). I feel the sea breeze and smell the salt air. As I watch the waves rolling it begins to rain (I love the rain and I especially love the sight of rain falling upon the sea and the hypnotic sound of the waves endlessly advancing and retreating upon the shore gradually takes me down into the land of winkin', blinkin' and nod.