like a force of nature...sometimes it takes all your strength to keep holding on

I work tonight. I'll get some days off after tonight. I may be moving in a month or so. Plans are in the begining phase. So that's a good thing. Do you like my new profile picture? I got that shirt for a contest. What did you do this weekend?

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wow move is coming soon, you seem to be working.. all the damn time!

i do like your new shirt.. mmm candy... ..

this weekend i went to an SG bbq in oakland.. it was a lot of fun, met some new folks, so that was cool..

id rather be laying on a beach somewhere.. i know thats incredibly cliche.. but i would honestly rather be laying on a beach in the warm sun.. no allergies! or wind!

hope you are doing well,kiss
Love the shirt hon. I'm always on when you're not..rawr
I need a hug. Will you hug me? So I worked last night because the other worker called in and needed me to cover for her because she had a tooth ache. This needs to be repeated SHE HAD A TOOTH ACHE!@!@! So work went alright slow and dull and long as usual. Now I just need to get some rest for tonight.
next time say your nose hurts and you cant work. skull
I was fantasing at work last night again how much I miss college women. I never got to date any of them or hold any of them but I regret all the missed oppertunities I may of had. Truth be told I'd rather never know if I had opportunities with any woman because that would lead to more regret. Except one in particular and you're...
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I work by 2 colleges.. i generally dont have nice things to say about the girls i meet that are in college. Im sure some of them are great.. but others are too much of a partier, i think.
ack! a mess of kids!
oooh tiiired. I just woke up. Purchased return to castle wolfenstein yesterday. Good game. Not much else happening.
More days off work, don't go in till friday night. Everybody working for the weekend. I never had a single weekend off in 5 months. Not like that matters I don't do anything. And it seems I only got this job at this shift because my father assumed that I stay up late anyways so why not work 3rd? This has been a hazard to...
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Um you could stand up to your parents just enough to eat when you NEED to.
I worked two days this weekend. Now I get four more days off. I can tell you I look forwad to my days off. I start to hate going into work a full day before I even have to.

So I successfully networked two computers together. Slept all day long. Worked two days. Now I am bored. Bring on the 16 hours a day of...
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Monte Hall Theory

If you choose door #1.

Monte shows you #2 it's a goat.

Do you switch to #3?

Yes because the odds are 66% in your favor.


Take 100 doors
you pick 1
2 to 99 are shown to be duds
what are the odds that door 100 has the car? 99%

So apply this to a multiple choice example.

You got...
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I have absolutely postivey no fucking clue what to do next in my life as it is. Here are the things I need.

a) Driver's License
b) Car
c) New job
d) apartment

I can't accomplish A because I work nights and my schedule doesn't mesh with driver's ed. In addition I cannot afford driver's ed at 200 dollars.

I can't accomplish B because I...
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I think I am going to cancel my account before the end of the month. I don't have a life anyways and it's just an internet porn site, it's time to move on or move sideways rather.
Suck. Hope things find you well in the future, and that you'll not be a rent-a-cop forever. =)

Why do you want to leave this wonderful boobie filled place!?!??!!