I am so confused. I need a better job I canot get that job without a better education or more experience. I got no experience or skills so I need a better education. But I just do not know what I want to do or if I should even try to go back to college again. I was hurt and lied to the first time....
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I hear you there, I am looking for things that allow me to psuedo live off the system, teaching etc. I like to write I don't find it a chore, so I am going to try to be an English Prof.
I thought of several things at work since I have the time lets take them one by one.
What if the girl I wanted were like a d&d character how would I design her?

RACE: Human
SEX: Female
ALGNMT:Neutral Good

STR: 16
INT: 17
WIS: 16
CHAR: 15
DEX: 18
CON: 17

Your girl is a strong woman. She loves to have...
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dude the girl you made would totally cause you to role a critical fumble in your pants wink
sounds like you had a lot to think about that day, i understand, my mind often wanders as well but i leave out the rpg half smile
I have always thought of myself as being indecisive. Almost to a fault. I turn and turn over in my head a mind boggling number of decisions. It is usually then either too late, or I am forced to make a decision that I never wanted to make.

Now this relates to almost everything that has probably gone wrong in my life. My terrible luck...
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So with the new debackle with the video card. I am thinking about buying a new motherboard and stuff to build my own computer. I am so confused an overwealmed. Half dozen sockets to choose from. I think I want a Socket A board. But I'm told I should get serial ATA over IDE and that is confusing I'm not a power computer user I...
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that speak is too 1337 for me
Update turns out my old video card had two notches, my new one had 3 notches. If anyone can tell me the difference between them and if the old motherboards that support the 2 notches support the 3 notches
I'm a complete putz. There's a reason why I shouldn't build my own computer. That ATI radeon I got? I can't figure out what's wrong...
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Sorry.... I'm no good at that shit. Hope your well beside shitty computer shit.
umm, 2 notches with a large circut board on the bottom is PCI slot card, 3 notches is AGP port. you should always open your computer and look to see if you have either of those available, AGP slots are shorter. and better then PCI cards at doing video.
I should get my graphics card saturday a 128 meg ATI Radeon 9200. I have to work tonight and tomorrow then I get 3 days off.
boooo ATI. heh, j/k. Lemme know how that card runs for you.
3 days off
3 days off
kiss love
Saw lost in translation. I didn't like it. I thought it was too slow, the characters were weak, the plot thin at best. Almost every aspect of the movie was flat. It tried to pull off some psuedophilosphical nonsense about being lost and not knowing what to do with yourself but it failed I got the point the first 10 minutes of the movie. The...
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"When life becomes as barren
And as cold as winter skies
There's a beacon in the darkness
In a distant pair of eyes
In vain to search for honor
In vain to search for truth
But these things can still be given
Your love has shown me proof"--Madrigal by Neil Peart/ Rush
nice song....

yea that would be nice...brew my own beer....ahhh

Mohawk beer hehehe...

I have no experience, no skills, no refrences, no work history, and no resume.

I have one BA


Any suggestions for getting a new job?
well the only job i can think of that requires nothing is being a pimp. try that.
I am a romantic I always have been. Even though I've never dated, kissed, held hands with, given flowers to, been loved by a woman. However as a hypothetical survey I want to know which is more romantic. Ladies please use your imagination and vote for the following. Your choices are as follows.

A) Train Trip
I show up to your house because I got...
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either A or B...but only because I always think "smelly" when I hear "zoo"...well first I think "yay! animals" then smelly.

I like A because it's simple and sweet. B is also really cute because it shows you put a lot of thought into the whole thing. Like with the movie and the restaurant. B would be better I think but for me the movie would be different...and maybe the restaurant, although I do like Denny's.
I like A, yea thats just rad... hehe so do you really like stir fry that much?