Had a blast with my cuz. we drank stout till our eyes bugged out. i started checking out some of the bible passages mentioned in the foot notes of the libraries copy of the comedy. most of of it is the some dry stuff you hear at church(scary thought) but some of the visions those biblical cats had were pretty heavy surreal .Im trying to get...
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I've also wanted to read that, actually!
I am up to my neck in rattlesnakes right now...but HEY!! at least im not up to my eyeballs!! This beauty i was kind of sweet on, sort-of-dating is getting back with her ex. this is only the most recent development in a long string of gruesome mishaps. It feels like fate is really starting to turn the screws. fuckit! whatever these tribulations cant last forever....
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A brilliant light was shone on my sorry self at the library the other day. I was reading Purgatorio: CantoXVIII "The mind, which is created apt to love, is mobile unto everything that pleases, so soon as by pleasure it is roused to action. Your faculty of apprehension draws an image from a real existence, and displays it within you, so that it makes the...
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I adore the whole of Dante's Divine Comedy. I want to get copies of each with the origional Italian, and the translated versions.

... but, yeah... awsome.
after my little mishap at work i consider myself lucky to have retained the tips of my first and second fingers. blackeyed badly wounded but not defeated, i have risen to some semblance of victory. Hail to king Ad-Nasty. if it werent for my noble cuz i would be in sorry shape right now. he knows things that no one else knows! he gave me the...
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someone else from Salem?... nice!
I think it is safe to say that my dear animal friend Ernestito is not coming back. I have heard Coyotes from the back yard and i fear he may have fallen prey to one. Such is the way of the outdoor cat. I tried to get copy of Musa's translation of Dante's Purgatory from the bookstore..... the publisher's list price was $100.00. fuck you...
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Nobody expects the spanish inquisition. the bossman came down like one of thompsons 10,000 lb. shithammers today. its a good thing ive been teflon superfly at the shop lately. im going all out Machiavellian from here on in. summer session is almost over! Stop it! Are you alright?!? thats it, im throwin' up... projectile even... i miss ernesto miao!!