Okay, so here I am posting my bloggy. I have been so busy just doing research,networking, and emailing etc. I am trying to learn all that I can. It has been going well. I don't know how people survived in the days of no internet. It's unthinkable.

I have a question I want to throw out there, if anyone has any ideas let me know....
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Ceiling Cat rules the internet. Duh.
I've missed SG. I haven't been on in a while. I'm back now biggrin YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
So, I'm fucking sick. the Mr. and I both have it. Feeling better than I have in days. I hit rock bottom Saturday. I went to work with an awful fever. So sick, I didn't think I would make it. I ended up leaving an hour early. It was better than hearing bullshit later about calling out. blah, blah, blah. So I sucked it up...
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When you get to be older you think a bit too much, and this causes you to see the world differently. You realize what a jackass you were in ways. How you didn't really know yourself or why you did the things you did. You start to feel bad for the people who had to deal with you back then. You look at choices you...
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I painted my nails yellow for a sunny, cheery something to look at during this cold, windy winter. Nothing much new, same old as always. Haven't really drank in a while.I need to change that. Hanging around the site, shivering under this blanket.
What shade of yellow?
Like Rubber ducky yellow smile
So it's 2012. Pretty decent. I feel like an alien still. I always feel like a strange observer of everyone else. I feel like I became more involved in my life actually in 2011. Actually making shit happen, rather than waiting around for it to. I like the fact I feel like an alien, and that I think too much about stuff.

It's winter so...
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thank you!!!!! you are super cute too!
Watching lots of Anime, and playing video games non stop. October was awesome. Canada was awesome. I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I will stay a hermit and eat lots of Curry with the love until then <3 Hope all is well with everyone out in SG land. smile
That sounds like a good time love
I love Autumn. I love the word, I love the colors, the leaves, the chill, the wind, birthdays, anniversary, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, vacation, yeah good shit.
I am with you on all of those especially the pumpkin spice! biggrin
what would you do right now if you had no obligations like work, school, lack of funds etc? I would hop in the car and pack up all we need and just travel the country. We want to go to Canada so we could do that too. I love to travel. I love to go new places and explore. That's what I would spend my...
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Probably be moving to Canada. We have a plan. Would love to execute it.
Yeah, I think that's what will happen some day.
I really have no clue what I'm doing. All I know is I'm jumping through hoops and taking it all a day at a time. Leaving the roads of what is possible open. Proving myself, yet not sure of myself.