okay, this morning has sucked the fattest cock... i cannot even tell you.

getting up and trying to make a cup of coffee in this house is like going to viet nam, only everyone has sawed off shotguns and grenade launchers instead of their regular weapons.

i hate it here.

i'm waiting for carrie to wake up so i can see if i can con...
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i'm sorry, i don't understand. why is everything so bad? frown
eh. people in my house are miserable and passive aggressive, and i'm trying to grow up into a non-angry, non-negative, non-abusive person.

it's hard. blackeyed
i feel okay.

i don't have any pot, and i haven't really done anything all day, but it's all gravy.

tomorrow i'll get an eighth...

oh! my ear is infected. did i say this already? so i have to start taking those terrible antibiotics again. as long as it'll make my fuckin' ear stop hurting, i don't care. it's terrible.
was feeling a little sad this morning, but i smoked pot and now i feel better.

i'm getting my car fixed tomorrow - well, taking it in to be fixed... fuck knows how long it's going to take. i think it was there three weeks last time.

oh well. soon it will be back in working order and i won't be such a carless loser....
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Yea its hard to stay positive when your poor. Maybe thats why I am soo Crabby all the time. Congrats on feeling better. smile wish me luck too.
things are better.

time and blah blah blah...

umm... haven't been doing much lately. nothing to write home about, at least. i had a brief moment of happiness on the way home today, even though i'm stuck inside cleaning all day instead of frolicking in the first warm-ish afternoon in a while - it appears that i might be returning to my former self.

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i'm on drugs, but i'm happy, and that's all i really care about right now. whatever

i just try not to think about it.
drugs make me happy too...
the toilet just overflowed. the plumbing in the bathroom is fucked.

my life.

i hate it.
well whatever you do, don't try flushing it down the toilet!
well, hi. i feel like shit again.

i wish the correct answer to my problem was "do drugs as much as you possibly can until you get over him," but it isn't.

he still hasn't called, and i'm still going crazy because i don't know what he wanted to tell me.

help. frown
this is monumental. i don't feel despondent this morning.

maybe i'm getting over it?

maybe i did too many drugs last night?

who knows...

at least i don't want to eat myself alive anymore...! biggrin
i'm all kinds of fucked up and i feel a little better, because i think i might even get to sleep tonight.

this prospect is exciting.

he did not call, or so they say, but there is some mysterious number on the caller id... and allegedly there were no calls while i was gone.


maybe it's a conspiracy?
this day is going so slowly. i just ate a bunch of xanax.

nothing's helping much.