Vert wtf are you, your never on anymore, dont u still love us?
I WORK all day. Then I come on and see if you're on, then I go off and play wow.

I'm now on kirin tor.

Bone chewer or whatever was kicking me. Lame ass. Then I went onto a different server, and I had an 18th level tauren warrior, and now it's gone.

But now I'm on Kirin Tor, with a lvl 10 human paladin.

At first I didn't like it, and thought it wasn't all that. But after playing it for awhile it's alright. I want a fucking mount. I think I might make a Gnome engineer once I get my pally to 20. Then make super robots.

I also want a dwarf hunter. Because of the guns. Guns are cool. That and running faster.

This game takes too long though. In NWN I would've had a few 20's by now. But I guess it's because I have a gay job. Fucking work.

Cocksuckers. Cocksuckers.

TODAY I fucking had to go into work at 6:30 because the person working before me, her car battery died. SO I go in, and she comes in 40 minutes later. I had to walk there and back which took me a total of a half god damned hour walking in the windy god damned outside. Whores. And I have to go back to work at 11 or 1 or something. Cocksuckers.

I think I might take my computer speakers and ipod to work so I can listen to music really loud. I think it'd be awesome. But if I get caught I'll probably get shit. But I don't really care. It's not like they're going to fire me or anything. We have almost no staff as it is. Also I'm the most reliable person that works there. I'm the fucking awesome.

I haven't spent most of my money that I've made so far. I think I've spent $800 on weed, or something around that. then the rest I'm putting on my fines come january, then they'll all be paid off. Then I'm going to save every dime, after weed, and maybe some new clothes because I haven't boughten new clothes in probably 2 years. But other than that I'm saving and I see, I see visit in near future. But only vacation, I want to buy a computer down there, so once I have enough saved up I'm going to come down, then ship it here. It's going to RULE. Then I'll come back to work, save money, then come back and so forth and so on. I have my plan, and I'm going to stick to it.

It's the only reason I live.

PVP sucks. All I want to do is mine and blacksmith and do quests. Kill things. I also hate people, and don't want to initiate conversation with them while playing the game. I want to stab them. I'm thinking I'm going to get more involved in the SG WoW group.


Yesterday it was +15. In fucking november. That's crazy shit. No snow or anything, it's awesome outside. The end is nigh.

and girl you shake it right.
I quit drinking.

Except beer, because beer doesn't count. Also wine. Booze is done though. Goodbye booze. you were a good friend.

nobody likes a quitter
cus quittings for losers
but if u wont drink it at least send it to me
I wake up, grab my weed and get high. Sit in front of the computer until I have to go to work. Go to work and sit there for 7 and a half hours. Come home, get BAKED, sit in front of the computer and watch movies/anime/read comics/play games/pornography. Sleep for a couple hours...
i envy you so
i get home from work at 6 am,pour a mug of jd and cook 3 eggs, i wake up 30 minutes b4 i have to leave for work i have 4 beers and a few smokes b4 i leave, thats my entire life outside of work, i really need to win the lottery or some shit, work is for goons.
hahaha, thanks for that dancing comment, funniest one i've received. wink
Everytime Sarahjane posts i start craving cheesy puffs, really gonna have to buy some

ma' fuckaz

I'm going to not be lazy tomorrow and buy mushrooms. Maybe. If I'm not lazy. I've never done them by myself before. I wonder how that's going to go over.

Death From Above 1979 ROCKSYOURASS

So bored. So very, very bored. Come over and watch a movie with me. I don't care what, just something to do.
Interpol today. I'm too lazy to link. I hear they sound a lot like Joy Division. You know I don't think I've ever heard a Joy Division song, or if I have I don't know what it would be. I should look into it.

Guess what?! I'm high. I like being almost always baked ALL the time and everything. But it's getting a little played....
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