Right, last 6 hours at work coming up, then away till Monday night.
Gonna have alot of catching up to do when I get back.
Bye all! (all one of you, lol)
Got your app. to SGMotorcycles. Please leave a note in MY journal about you and motorcycles. What you ride, where, how long, etc. If you dont ride, please tell me why you want to join SGMC.

Its 3 am, I have been up since 10am, and eaten one meal (at 8pm), and that was just sandwiches.
I have just finished painting the computer room, and am now sitting in a rom full of Gloss paint fumes, getting quite high......or maybe dead, if I don`t get out of here!
If I never post again, you know which came first...
God I`m dizzy.
Glurk! Only 3 days till I go to Maelstrom (A big LARP event in the UK). I can`t believe it has come round so fast.
Then.....Whitby Goth Weekend!!! YAY!
Ahh, hello all. Finally paid up a membership, and oh, how things have changed!!
Not just a site, but a community now - RAAA!
Well, I am a *trainee* photographer, hoping to become a *decent* photographer. I am trying....honest!
Well, that`s it for now, I will update this journal as often as I update my livejournal....so that`s not often then.
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Why, thank you! `Tis nice to be welcomed!