So there I was, driving from Fredericksburg to Mineral and stuck behind a school bus full of high school aged kids. While stopped at a stoplight, one of them apparently decided to try and see what kind of reaction he could get from the driver of the vehicle right behind the bus (that'd be me). As I sat waiting for the light to turn green,...
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That poor kid has the rest of the school year to get through.

*shakes head*

I would have given him a thumbs up. No, two. And duck lips.

(I'm kidding. What you did was funny.)
That is awesome!
I'll be going off the grid here very shortly. Out house is nearing completion and we should be moving in for good within the next two weeks. I'm doing the walls and floors in my studio room tomorrow! There's just one problem. The house is so far in the sticks we'll have to choose between dial-up and satellite. W00t. We're also going to wait a...
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Fair warning: If you fall into the "meat is murder" camp, I'd highly suggest not opening the spoiler below.. otherwise, read on!

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

So there I was, in my tree stand, toes frozen, draining my cellphone battery with facebook just to keep my phone warm enough to keep my trigger hand from going numb. Shortly before eight, I began considering the merits...
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I've never cared for venison.

Where do you donate the skin?
VENISON ! fucking awesome
It is not the grief of the past
that weighs me down
but the pain of the present.
It is not sorrow at the loss
of what once was
but the fear
of where I am headed

They say self destruction
is an artform.
I disagree.
I have boiled, cured, and distilled it
concentrated into a
methodical science

Mental masochism
bears no...
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This is beautiful.
The rut is finally in full effect. The white-tailed ghost that had only shown up in fleeting night-time images since he was still in velvet has finally made a daytime appearance. The reclusive and nocturnal nature of this magnificent beast has been disregarded for the annual sex-crazed stupidity. But that's okay because (if I do say so myself) it makes for a damn great photo.

He looks surprised.

Like, "WHOA THERE! Did someone just take my picture?"
Wow. That's some intense Thanksgiving.

My favourite Thanksgiving memory was the year my mom let me cook the entire dinner myself when I was in high school and we just spent the holiday together. Just the two of us.
Edited again to simply say I haven't had any significant alone time in weeks, but when I hit a quiet moment my minds been bubbling over with more thoughts than I can keep up with. Somehow, though, out of all of the noise, two poems have been generated. These are the first two I've written in over two years, and, combined with that last one,...
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Doesn't it feel good when creativity happens?
I've voted every year for the last thirteen. Today was the first time I had to stand in line. Granted, two of the last four presidential elections I voted by absentee from overseas deployment, but still. In my quiet, rural, small hometown, I've grown accustomed to walking in, showing an id, grabbing a ballot and walking right to the booth. Today, I stood in line...
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Those are awesome!

Me: I can't wait until we get the house done and get moved in. I'm looking forward to being able to learn to finally use my airbrush.

Her: *quizzical look* You have an airbrush?

Me: Yeah. Dick (my late granddad) gave it to me in high school. I've carried it around for years and haven't had the time and space to actually start using...
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I kinda don't even know what to say.
Relationships are partnerships.
Of course the intial thought would be tell her to sell her shit, but that would just be childish.
Is there a reason why she is so focused on herself lately?
A few thoughts.

First thought... it's none of my business but since you're putting it out here obviously you're cool with it kind of being our business so... have you talked to her about how her actions are making you feel? We're seeing one side of it, of course. But you don't seem happy. If you aren't happy, you can either communicate with her and do something about it, or you can bitch about her and build up further resentment until you finally just hate yourself or hate her.

Either way it doesn't seem like a fun or healthy way to live.

No relationship is perfect, and we all have things about our significant others that we can't stand, but, and I am guilty of this as well, when we start going to other people with our relationship problems instead of talking to the person we're in a relationship with it's basically like saying we're giving up on that person. Sure, sure we can call it venting, we can call it letting off some steam... but you have to step back and go, "How would she feel if she read what I just wrote about her on the internet. Would she feel that I had portrayed her honestly? Would she feel surprised about how I actually feel about the comments she made? Would she feel nothing because everything I wrote is already on the table and we have an open dialogue in the works. Would she feel good that I am letting off some steam elsewhere and she didn't have to deal with it? Would she feel hurt that a website full of strangers know that I'm unhappy before she did?"

Women don't always see that there is a problem with a relationship until you say, "There is a problem with our relationship," to us. We might sense something is wrong, which can make us a. moody b. overly sensitive c. bitchy d. defensive e. crazy f. territorial g. jealous h. all of the above i. KJHKHDKQOKSPOKXAOK. If you catch my meaning, but we won't let ourselves think that our actual bond with our partner is being damaged by our own behaviour.

I could just be projecting and completely off base. Either way, I hope things get better and that she chills the fuck out. Classic cars are awesome and should be enjoyed as you stated. My husband has all kinds of weird little hobbies that cost money we could have spent elsewhere. I also have a banjo I haven't played in two years and a keyboard I touch once every few months and an SG account smile