I'm sitting here right now with a slightly heightened sense of awareness, my palms are sweaty and all other attempts to find something to do are proving useless. No I'm not my usual self depreciative self (well I am... sorta, but we'll get to that later.) So why the excitement...

My brother, my half brother who I've known and been raised with for the last...
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I'm done, I will never fit in, be part of the crowd, I'll never be part of the alternative crowd either, "tooo boring, too tame, too straight edge"

There is no place for me, and I see no point in hanging around once my account expires, I have no idea what I hoped to achieve by joining this place but it's just another pit stop...
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I have subhuman features and I'm not photogenic, the typeof guy who might appear on some crime show... so it's only natural that I have tendancies to want to kill right?

Maybe not, but I do, rest assured this isn't walk into a playground and unload round after round into pupils and teachers kind of craziness, just all the bad shit I hear on the...
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Hey Oma,

Yeah that's the reason I broke in chat on Monday and have been down pretty much all week. Yesterday was the funeral and the reality hammersmackdown came around again.

Thank you for your kind words.
I like you!
Tomorrow I turn 30, and the world will suck a little more, I'll be a littler older, a little bittereer and my life will be one step closer to becoming a Judd Apatow movie or something.

Still while I have another hour and 3 mins before tomorrow strikes I can talk about the crapfest that today has been.

Work sucked, we had a lot of...
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I've had my account for 16 months and I'm writing my first blog.

Why wait this long, good question, why write one at all????
I dunno the need to vent I guess. if I wanted a blog that no one will read I still have a myspace account set up somewhere.

I don't know what i'm doing here, I have no idea why the fuck...
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Thank you again <3 Hope you had sweet dreams <3
Gini: it's not deep, it's extrememely shallow and I'm laying my one trick card of "everyone hates me." Something I do a lot because I very often believe it to be true.

Favourite superhero... well from a non established viewpoint I relate to the Crimson Bolt from the movie 'Super' more his pathetic nature than his need for wanton violence over the pettiest crimes.

As for the known ones, I guess Batman (DC) cause he's moody and brooding but always tries to do the right thing, some of the events he's been through I thought weakened him until he gave his sppech to the previously dead robin aboout the Joker "No. God Almighty, no. It'd be too damned easy. All I've ever wanted to do is kill him. A day doesn't go by I don't think about subjecting him to every horrendous torture he's dealt out to others and them end him." That won me back some respect.

And for marvel, Spider-man cause that's who Iwatched growing up on saturday mornings and though the animation was a little bad, he always had problems in his real life that his 'work' got in the way of, no other cartoon or superhero had those kind of issues. When you're 12 years old (as I was in 1994) that makes all the difference.
I've seen all of it all ready and I even own them wink
Great series.
Ah yes Limbo is fantastic, I need to play through that some time soon smile