my computer freaked out! for the last week, it's been acting all crazy - i would log on and then 2 min later it would shut down. turns out i had somehow gotten a virus. i finally fixed it last night. i feel all smart and stuff 'cause i fixed it myself.

anyway, it's almost the end of summer which means the end of going...
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you dat crazt girl lurkin' ovah at sober SG?

i just woke up from a dream about a guy that i dated when i was 19. i want to smash my face into a wall for the way i treated him.

i was his first girlfriend. i still have a tape that he made for me. he was brillant and beautiful and sweet and fun, and he didn't deserve the shit that i...
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i know the feeling. there is this onegirl i dated, athough only for a short time. i didnt cheat on her or anything (havent ever done that yet) but i treated her carelessly. i got involved with her without testing the waters a bit first and before i knew it, i realized that she was just a rebound to me. i felt awful, because it was quite apparent that she was pretty into me. i still get mad at myself over that. thankfully i didnt sleep with her. would havemade it worse.

another girl i dated, serveral years ago. when i was 15-16. i wasnt just her first boyfriend, i was her first everything. first kiss even. we dated about a year and a half and i probably would have ended up marrying the girl except that she was way too jealous. so i broke up with her. even still, i broke her heart, and i hate having to hurt people.

anyway, i wouldnt worry about it too much. unless you still have some feelings for him hiding in there somewhere. i know that theres one girl tht i never actually dated but ws very close with. and i stil think of her all the time.

in any case, i thinkall this means is tht you are a good person. people make mistakes. obviously you felt guilty. and obviously hurting him hurt you. this means youre a good person. dont forget that.
i have been at the mall all fucking day. i hate the mall, it makes me nervous. but i now have brakes on my car and it doesn't squeek anymore, so that's good.

i have a final exam tomorrow that i have to do good on, and then i'm off on another road trip - this time to a wedding. my whole family will be...
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sometimes it is a good thing
i avoid going to the mall whenever possible. too many cretins there
i'm being all weird and introspective today.
BetsyJane stole my comment. You have great taste!
christmas lights! brilliant (so to speak)

ok. the friday update.
went last night to be an extra in a movie. it was fun. they were filming a rave-ish kina scene and i had to pretend that i knew how to dance. i do not know how to dance. the queen of hearts is being played by the guy from tromeo and juliet, will (somethingorother, cant remember), in drag. it was a...
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aww you are going to my beach, and i'm not there
you are the second sg person to go to nc while i have been away
have fun
Im the last day of september so I think that puts me into october which is why I always get confused about the whole sign thingbiggrin
let's see.......
i went to see pirates of the caribian (carribean, carabein, carrr... uh?) last night. it was so much fun. i wanna be a pirate!!! i guess i've got a good start - did you notice how many pirates had dreadlocks? and johnny depp was fucking cute. orlando bloom was good, too. i just can't help but think of him as leggolas, since i've...
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I did not realize PotC was out yet. That movie your going to be an extra in sounds like it will kick ass. I was an extra in a movie a long time ago. That was back when "Tom and Huck" was being filmed in Alabama.
today i was supposed to drive to atlanta and i spaced out and took the wrong highway. i drove for an hour before i realized that i was going north instead of east. i'm an idiot.

this summer is starting to feel like one really long drive.
so.....how do you folks prefer to travel?
driving alone or with a friend?
best driving music?
interstates or...
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Sounds like me trying to drive. I got so mad at my friend to day because I was on 20-59 trying to get on I20 and I was in the lane for 59 because like I have to concentrate sooooo hard and he was talkign to me hehe. Gawd.
Thanks about meh tattoos biggrin I love em!
i'm driving up there this week
are you going back to atlanta soon?
i'm off on a road trip. 8-9 hours at best. coffeecoffeecoffee. i'm leaving at night, so it should all be good as long as it doesn't rain. i hate driving in the rain, especially at night.
tomorrow i get to go see ani difranco with my mom and sister. it should be fun. i've been listening to her new album some, and it's better than...
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i love road trips
i am still on mine
sorry, you're soooo fucking cute and i love your music list so i added you up like a good stalker.
today i:
-went swimming in an insanely cold creek
-sang really loud in the car
-spent money that i don't really have on a cd burner
-did homework, or i should say - am doing homework
-had an espresso milkshake for breakfast, pb&j for lunch, and ice cream for dinner
-got really frustrated with my computer
-am making tapes for the car to prepare for...
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Depends on what? wink
Thanks for the welcome...love your hair!

Good meals! Everyone's like "healthy blah blah blah" but it's all about what tastes good dammit! wink