Surreal dream.

My cousin Brian and my step-dad were all roaming through the woods with these huge rifles. We were "hunting". Brian is 14 years old, and was about 14 in the dream. Anyway, we were in camo and were stalking around with these rifles, shooting at trees (even though logically... wouldn't have actually been doing very well with the hunting business if we were...
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Yeah that guy sounds like a tool! Good luck with finals...I will be happy when this week is over. My last final is at 7pm on friday night! Yuck..
Ooooh good luck. We can do it! And yeah, he's a total tool. Gross.
I have had such an AWESOME weekend. My boyfriend Scott's good friend who composes the music for his films, Mark, came with his girlfriend Carissa from Chicago last Wednesday night. I had class Wednesday and Thursday, but I hung out with them on Friday and Saturday and we had such a good time.

We went out Friday night to karaoke, which was... fun and embarrassing...
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Awesome that you had such a killer weekend. Though, I agree with the more interesting blogs. :-D Which I should say nothing since all mine are self serving and boring. :-P
Oh pssshaawwwww! I look forward to actually having time to write smile
Hello sweetie, thank you so much for your lovely comment under my MR set Vintage me. It means a lot for me!

what a cute photos of you! love

Aww thanke! I'll be lookin' out for your set on the front page smile
It is FREEZING and miserable outside! I woke up with a start at like 3 a.m., and was relieved to know I had a few hours more to sleep, but then when my alarm finally did go off... it didn't seem like it was POSSIBLE to be time to get up already, and it was so cold. Definitely a morning I just wanted to stay...
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Wow, those are some really awesome paintings. I wish I had a little extra cash but I don't even have enough for the Don't Let Go Painting. :-(
Aww, I appreciate the thought so much. And thank you smile
Hmm, well well then. It's 7:07 a.m. on Monday morning. I usually get up around 5:30 on Mondays and Wednesdays so I have enough time to shower, dry my hair (because there is nothing worse than going outside with wet hair when it's freezing cold and having your hair FREEZE), make myself some tea, a possible scone, check out Facebook, SG, Myspace, and of course...
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Oh, and on a completely different note...

In regards to photography: If you live in the New York/Long Island area and are interested in shooting around with me, let me know. I am ALWAYS looking for models and subjects and whatever else smile. Even if you're looking for something specific, there's absolutely no rate for the first shoot, I'll send you all your files edited...
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Wish I lived close to NY. I could always use some tips on photography and I hear it's an awesome place to just live.
It really is! But let's be real, I'm sure Washington is absurdly beautiful and awesome as well. And if you have any questions about photography, ask away! And there are bunches and bunches of supportive message boards and forums all over the 'netz smile
I wrapped some presents today, studied for my bio lab practical tomorrow (at 12:15) and cuddled. It was a spectacular day.

I love shopping for people's birthdays and holidays. I LOVE giving presents and I enjoy wrapping them, writing out cards and so on. This year my mom and I bought this brown parcel paper instead of shiny printed wrapping, and we bought some ink...
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This is probably a stupid question, but does this guy know Mike has cancer - and thus the toupee? If so, hes pretty damn cold-hearted.
Oh man. I sent someone an email before that was really hard to send, but I knew it was the right thing to do. Without whining, going into too much detail, and boring the living crap out of anyone reading this, in summary:

I dated a guy once, he was at first charming, wonderful and nice. Then he started standing me up, and completely ignoring...
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That really sucks. What an asshole!
I know, yikes!
NOTHING... is better than getting home from a long day and being greeted with the excited, wiggly, furry and unconditional love of a dog.

I was having a pretty rough day but I walk in the door and BAM, Riley was wiggling, wagging and squirming at my feet and it pretty much negated everything before it.

Animals are so amazing. Even my fish Socrates is...
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Hi Marien,
Thank you for your cool comment on my set!
Good luck with all your revisions!
Aww thanks SO much smile I hope your set goes up you totally deserve it.