Spent Valentines day at a spa in Baden Baden. Me and wifey spent a lovely day with Co-ed nakedness. I love Europe.
sounds nice! have my eye on a trip to Baden Baden, but haven't gone yet...

yeah, weirdness over here with friends....
Well, I'm going to start my Master's Degree. I'm enrolling tomorrow. After i finished college, I swore I'd never go back to school again. Well, now I crave it. The military is making me stupid.
haha military does make people stupid. I see it everyday. It's a shame. What are you getting your masters in? I'm planning on going back to school. Maybe interior design or carpentry biggrin I wanna build things out of wood tongue I don't exactly know why.
are you trying to kill me??? tongue
I'm back. Went to Nashville for a couple of weeks. It was exactly what I needed. I was about a millimeter away from burnout.

By my caluculations, I have been drunk for about a month straight. It's been awesome.

Well now me and the wife are laying off the booze for a little while and gripping reality again. Anyway Nashville was awesome. Saw my old...
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glad you had a good time de-stressing for a bit!
I'm all about meeting more angry military wives! mad tongue I just got so pissed looking at these women who weren't dramatically older than me and having them act like my parents. I felt like if i burped or rolled up my sleeves (showing my tattoos) I would have been booted from the "adult" table. *shakes head* it's just sad.
Happy new year, kids.
just stayed at home.. i worked during the day, came home & slept until about 11:50, watched the fireworks, then went back to sleep!

hope your new year's was good!
ok i'm very drunk and a i want to see what stream of consious looks like. here goes. this will be fun in the morning

we went downtown to meet some people. we walked down town and some guy tried to steal my beer. i said no and he bear hugged me/tried to kick my ass. not sure which. some guy tried to grab my...
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Well, hope everyone had a satisfying Festivus.

Wife got me the David Cross and Tenacious D DVD's. Me likes.

Well we're going to celebrate New Years in downtown heidelberg tonite. Anyone want to come?

I'll be in Nashville from 2-20 January. Nobody have too much fun in my absence.
Wife is home now......very busy.........good to be me right now.

More later.
haha, you two have fun wink I know I would be if my husband had just come home. tongue Be good
Anyone else strangely entertained by Justin Timberlake?

Just wondering.

I'm losing grip. Wife needs to come home now.

Just saw Run Ronnie Run. If you don't like Mr. Show (or are completely unfamiliar with it, which, by the way, makes you lame), you won't like this.

Listen to Aesop Rock. Now.
haha, PCU was fuckin' hilarious. Now I want to watch that movie.

I need to pick up the second season of Mr. Show. I heard Run Ronnie Run wasn't that good, but I still want to see it and judge it for myself. Anywho. Talk to you later.
*sniffle* i'm lame!!!!!
I took a piano lesson Monday. It was cool. I learned more theory in 45 minutes than I learned in 16 years playing guitar. My teacher was a crazy old German lady. She was nice in an angry German way.

Wife is home in 10 days. Rock.
haha angry Germans are fabulous! All the germans on base here are freakin' funny as hell.

YAY for your wife coming home!
I'm so bored I want to fucking die. I'm so bored, yet somehow, I'm too lazy to do anything.

I have pics now. I'm super special.
hahaha, The husband and I like the softball team idea... or we could just get together and do the Clockwork Orange thing. lol. Anywho, Rumpus wants to get together we just need to get everyone else together and figure out where.
wow mineral were so cool have you heard the gloria record it's members from mineral it's really good and i ya i can remember when it wasn't called emo i mean nowadays fugazi is refered to as an emo band where the hell did that come from lol at any rate labels are just labels so who cares if its good music i'll listen to it know what i mean
Well, I'm back from London again. Part II was more fun. Thanksgiving was spent in a pub with 11 other people from Tennessee (home) who just happened to be there. It was wierd. Good times were shared by all.
welcome back! we had a delayed thanksgiving (one of our two guests had staff duty on actual thanksgiving).. a pretty good night.