As promised cool kats and fans out there...here are yet some more practice shots of myself with out filters, a remote, or anything but my canon speedlite flash in some pics. Funny too because not even 1 hour after completing some of these I got part of one of my camera packages to be expected. Yep more equipment yet it's become an addiction I tell...
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OMG!!! Your photos are coming so professional! You are becoming such a pro at taking the photos, as well as posing!!! Perfect color balance, and your sharpness is impeccable. Jeez, you're going to be shooting other SG girls one day soon. (Hmm, you could shoot my next SB set as well!)

I'm still shopping for a macro for my Canon 50D but I think I have identified the one I could use. F1.4, 85mm and runs aout $550. Just need to ante up my piggy bank! love
Thanks Callistus!!! I hear you on the money issue too...I've actually been getting a lot of my lens and filter deals online though biddings. Anyway, thanks again and if your ever in the area up this way in Colorado...you bet I'll gladly accept your invitation to perform a shoot with you.

Speaking of I actually have a beauty here that lives locally that I've met and been chilling with lately. I get to do my very 1st SG hopeful set as soon as she has another entire day free. smile Hooray!!! wink

Love your work and love you too sweety always! kiss
so very very cute. I wish I had been that cute when I was that age. Of course when I was that age, we only had cave drawings.
very cute! ..and the kids too. hehe...and I agree with the previous comment. lol
very cool...
nice to meet ya
Likewise dear friend! blushkiss
Hey kids!

So, I'm hoping this Photography for tattoo work falls into place real soon because with that said I have MANY plans to cover myself in pretty art murals already. smile Here are a few ideas already and where I'll get them. Opinions are taken lightly so feel free to commment on where you think it will look hot on me as well...So far teh...
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meow!! Nice pics!
Ok all my loves...I know I promised some of these a few days ago so I stayed up until 4am getting these taken for you and then dealing with my computer being down to post them at that point. With all that said, I introduce you to a sample of some of my favorite work so far {I LOVE MY NEW CANON!!!)...Enjoy and indulge at...
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Wow your hair looks bad ass who took those pics? They're nice

Love them and you too
Saturday what time you think would be good?
Early Afternoon??? surrealkiss

Oh and I took them of course!!! eeekwhatever
Met with my lovely lady friend today...she rocks to say the least of it. Too bad she worked and I was busy this afternoon. On a good note though...we have already arranged a next Saturday "play" date...lmao.

Hope she got her ink she was gunning for today too.

Other than that I'm still getting use to my new baby and loving every minute of it...
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Freaking loving my new baby...So heres what I ended up with...

Canon T2i w 18-55 mm lens, 55-250 mm lens, Canon bad ass backpack carrier, swivel and more tri-pod, 16GB SD Card and a back up 8GB Sd card, extra/spare battery pack, baterry pack and charger, all the shitznits needed that came with it from cd roms to booklets, eye cup, Oh, and a bad...
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I love my Canon T2i too!
Yay tomorrow is my day extravaganza!!! Getting up 1st thing in the morning and heading the Fort Collins for my day of fun and treating myself like a queen day. Was hoping my gril "L" could make it and all; but shit happens. So looks like it will be all by myself then. smile I hate eating by self when I go out for lunch &...
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You know, I have chatted with many friends around the country about digital photography and even photoediting. Yes, I will be more than happy to help you in any form. So yup we can hook up IM or even by phone. I'm here. smile

Happy to hear you would take me with you - I would be great company and a perfect gentleman!

I hate my job I wanted to go but I start work at 4. Fuck

I do want to meet up send me your number

We should meet up next fryday I don't work

Xoxo lepaupau
Only 2 more days until Camera & Physical Make Over Time!!! Hooray!!!

Hmmmmm...Now to pick out outfits, jewelry, hair dyes and etc, New Canon Rebel T2i with all the extras and equipment I can need in my 1st year, new computer tower (major needed upgrade for school & photography programs I use), PS3 for the hubby & kids, clothes for us all, and damn the...
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Damn! So I believe it just hit me today on how I have totally less than a month until I am yet another year older....I love my b-days though....just hate aging with them is all...LMFAO!!!

Anyone else here in Colorado state going to the "Further Fest" ??? Guess me, the hubby, our two wee ones, and some friends that moved here recently are all going...But...
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Better things are coming fast!!!

This is twist of a blog here as I am actually feeling good about everything in life currently probably just temporary i'm sure but while it's here I'm sucking up every minute of it. lol.

Here are some future excitements for me that should be in grasp between now and January 28th to Feb1st the latest.
Thats right...tax return time......
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Oh sweety your so awesome! I am sincerely excited to meet and hang out with you so we can get to know each other soon enough to doll. Life is super crazy & busy at the moment until these dumb intense math classes are done and I begin on my fun and more relax photography and art classes. Then I have all this tax run around crap to take care of and replace too. But perhaps soon after this crazy storm cools down and I have some extra funds perhaps just us two ladies can meet up and have a couple drinks and meet officially there and then see what happens and where we end from there my lady ok? i am anticipating this meet up I have to admit though. Not only have I finally found a cool and better yet local lady friend with a similar lifestyle or interests; but your cool as hell too. (I find it hard to get along with normal average chicks or prissy ones usually for that matter...so your a lifesaver in that aspect for me...lol)

Also I'd love to get a new tattoo or better yet my back piece re-done in brighter colors too; but again gotta wait on money to start coming in for me on that one currently...I also owe a tatt to my hubby yet as well...Oopps. lol. perhaps if we can win a set or two then maybe we can both get a tatt together though. That would rock in fact if I may say myself. lol.

Ok enough said for now guess I'm just as excited as you are. Give me some time to explore and learn my new camera though and let things chill out around here and I will be getting at you for sure before you know it.

Much Love, Hugs, & Respect to you,loveblushkiss

aww the samehere hell yeah im so down to get a tattoo with you ^__^ i have this bad ass owl i want to get on my chest we will talk about it wen we meet in person im looking foward to it iv been so lonely here in colorado frown theres no freaking buses sucks i love to travel on bus

dont worry im bussy too we are working from 4 in the afternoon to 3 or sometimes 4 in the morning monday to saturday it suck frown
we should plan out the set and put our ideas together on messages for right now that we are bussy so wen were not we have our shit toguether
loves from lepaupau