Mmmmm Steak.... Happy St. Patty's Day!!
ohman, those look tasty!! tongue
those pies look yummy!
A very happy Pi Day to one and all. We are celebrating by consuming way too much pie for our own good. I made a Lemon Meringue pie and a Frozen Cappuccino pie and we also have a Maple Pecan, Bailey's Chocolate Mousse, and Boston Cream pie in the house. If the few other people I invited turn up may have even more pie!!

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yay for Legbone, the show tonight is gonna be awesome!

i'll take a pie! wink
I know I want some pie too.
Is this day 4 or 5? I can't recall because the days are blurring together. I've been lucky with a little respite here and there but the majority of the last week has been tainted with migraine. To wake up with and because of a migraine this morning was too much. I'm thinking that if it goes on I'm going to have to call my...
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Man i feel for you, Sorry the sex thing didn't help. it is a shot in the dark as sometimes it works sometimes not. If I can help please tell me. Wright state isn't that far, I live in downtown Xenia,
Day 3.

My desire to drive an ice pick through my skull and dig out the parts that are causing trouble is ever increasing.

Damn you, migraine!
Ouch, that's pretty brutal blackeyed Hope the migraine goes away soon!
don't do it, cause then you'll be dead. i don't want a dead NurseEvy!
I decided while grocery shopping last night I wanted to make some stuffed red peppers for dinner tonight. Too bad I had never made them and didn't really know how. So, to the google I went and found some recipes. None of them was exactly what I wanted to do or "healthy" enough of an option for my weight watchers following self. Thus, I made...
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Fuck migraines.


Fuck them.

Day two point five.

Man that sucks. I hate when I have headaches.
Hope you're feeling better!
judging from the pics, looks like you had fun.

when we gonna hit up a show together? some good ones next weekend!
Going to Columbus today! Yay! John and I are exploring and heading to the Filipino store. I might buy some stuff and teach myself how to make some of his favorite dishes. I am also debating getting my penguin done today if any of the tattoo shops allow walk-ins. =)

<3 I love my little Filipino man.
I'm amused.

So, to anyone who I haven't mentioned it to yet: Yes, I did used to be around SG. To my best recollection that was from 2004 to 2007. Life, death, disease, school, work, and lack of money got in the way of me maintaining a membership for the last two years. (If you wan the details on any of those, I'm glad to...
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i do vaguely remember you now! but you need to refresh my memory a bit some more. maybe we should hit up some shows? thats all i do these days it seems!
Hey thanx for the comment! i would TOTALLY tat you up! By any chance did you use red ink when you got the allergic reaction? How bad was it? Keep in mind to check the ingredients in the inks because you dnt want to get a SEVERE reaction cuz that could be REALLY bad, just make sure you ask the shop what kind of ink do they use and what are the contents in the ink and get a report from the hospital or doctor that treated your allergy and avoind that ingredient. OK? Stay safe!!!! Lots of Love!!!! xoxoxo!!!!