I wish getting what I want was easier...I hate it when I just simply can't be my self and I have to be super insecure....I really am not and I may not be super cool but I don't do my self justice...I'm just meant to live in my own bullshit emo purgatory of knowing I'm not doing what I should be doing or what I...
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This sounds uncomfortable. I'm sorry. kiss

I got my car back!!! *does a little happy dance*
Happy to be of service in film.
yay thats great, im so happy for you, x
I'm a total loser now and have a facebook...feel free to make fun now
oh i feel your pain, i to have one i got made to though, peer presure and there was candles and chanting. the chanting broke me. one of us one of us they said. x
I recently succumbed myself. It's ok.
my roommates suck...they where always causing problems and drama being annoying and disrespectful...then yesterday they came home and said oh ya guess what we found a place sign the papers and are moving out right now....totally fucking the rest of us that are here fighting either to get a job or get enough hours to pay owe bills...

so now we might not make rent...we...
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keep the car. have hope, which i know is easier said than done, you will find a room mate and they will be cool. keep your chin up. sending you virtual hugs, cos i think you need them, x
the only thing I do on this site is hang out in groups and talk about whatever...I rarely post but every time I do I get a gang of people telling me I'm a retard...I'd like to just say what I have to say like everyone else does...sadly that will never happen

I'm really about tired of this site...I don't really have a reason to...
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That really sux hun I am sorry people are sooo rude..
People are lame. I'm sorry that you're having problems with the site.. I did too, way back when, and I'm remembering again why I did.. :\

Have you noticed that a lot of the new SGs are a lot more porny? ...and not so alternative? I've seen a lot of camgirls lately..
well it probably doesn't count anymore since its past midnight but I went out tonight because it was my brothers birthday...he died a little over 2 years ago and he was everything to me...not just my big brother but more then I could describe....I went out by my self to the bar and tried to drink my sorrows a little bit...I miss him so much...
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I noticed you looked really sad, so I didn't feel comfortable saying hi. I am pretty sure I send out the same vibe. We can be two peas in two miserable little pods.
drove 4 hours to seattle yesterday to see crystal method and the prodigy...I'd seen crystal method before and they where still a delight...but the prodigy...OH MY GOD it was good...I had a blast there live show really amazing as I had hoped. in a side note keith flint has got to be the most attractive man ever....I'm not gay but I wish I looked at...
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Nice, sounds like a good show. Are you into Dubstep/Garage at all? My Dj crew S.O.S is opening for 16bit in Portland on the 18th. Check them out at www.myspace.com/16bitmusic
I especially like Chainsaw Calligraphy dubstep at its best.
I think when my account runs out I'm going to just leave it at that. I have a really bad history with this site for some reason. when I start everything was all good I could keep a journal and it helped me clear my head. then my girlfriend at the time read it and got super pissed because she didn't like what she saw....
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are you like me??

soft spoken and doesn't really get into trouble but trouble doesn't have a hard time finding you??

do you fall victim to every A hole around who feels they have something to prove or would love nothing more then to you put you in "your place" while making themselves feel better??

even if you know your not as cool as the...
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well I'm back...after a long time away...I think that the dust has finally settaled here and the people who use this site to harm me have gone on to other people now...

dewd, you work at j ho's.

I used to....I worked there for a little over a year....