
yup, Kiwi. the pink and purple rat. haha
Shooting with Michael tonight at 9!!! So excited WOOOOoooooOOOOooo!!!

In other news, my rat is pink and purple. Go go gadget Manic Panic!
Lately i've been working with a local photographer, Michael Combs. I love his energy and humor and creativity... and his willingness to try new things! I don't really care about becoming a SG- i just like having this profile to vent to people that don't really know me or care and can't do anything about anything i say... or the fact that i'm a nudist,...
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Blogging from an airplane!! Wooo!!!
Well, obviously by the time i actually post this i will have landed. In fact i probably won't post it until late tonight, if at all today. It is Thursday at 11:15am. Going to see Kevin!!!

I have had soooo many crazyass adventures since leaving home. I've been from one end of this country to the other and everywhere in...
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Well I went home. It's no longer 'home'. This timing is horrible. I'm so grateful for the great new friends i have made here. Can't wait to go to LA and see my Kevin and Johnny and all of my boys. I love them all so much. There are some shitty people in this world- I'm the daughter of one and know many more. But......
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