I'm driving home for a week next week.

I am very excited. Also... I have a couple of women looking to get some Jake time in... so this could go very well. haha.
You'd think moving 1500 miles away would lossen her hold over me...


It still amazes me that the sound of her voice alone makes all the bad things go away.

500 Days of Summer seriously depressed the living shit out of me.

I mean really... Firstly I love Zooey Dreschanel. Then the whole storyline.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

I mean she's all "I just want to be friends" then procedes to be more then friends. I mean WTF. And then at the end he meets another completely gorgeous woman. So what about us poor saps...
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I bought a new car!

I've lost 24 pounds!

Apples and Oranges are two of the greatest things on the planet!

I'm now waxing my new car!


Well, It's been 2 weeks since my last post... better post something, huh?

I'm on this strange new diet. The long and short of it is I'm eatting 500 calories a day and I'm full all day. No, It's not some surgery or super diet pill. I'll spill the beans later, but so far I've lost 18 pounds in 8 days.. and I feel great!...
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Yeah I only get to visit ND once or twice a year. I'm just crossing my fingers there won't be any blizzards!

And I actually started compiling all my dreams from my dream journals into a book, but it lost steam and I never finished. I actually wish there would be more movies based on dreams, I think the visual imagery in those would be rad!
Im willing to bet that there are more then youd think. Or atleast ideas that stemmed from a dream.

I should probably follow my own lead and write down my dreams. I've had some freaky ones...

Watch it. Love it.
More alcohol fueled blogs FTW!

I'm happy drunk at the moment. They played Slipknot at the bar I was at... that made me happy.

I also got a call from Hanna, which made me happy. It was a message, as my phone was off at the time... but I still smiled. Although I called her back and she hasn;t replied... which makes me sad. I...
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so... Ms.Blog... we meet again. I have a feeling about 2 people even remotely, kind of pay attention to what I write... But I stilll feel the need to write.

I met a girl tonight named Lindsay (although her friend Dana was rubbing her vagina all over my leg, Lindsay was far more interesting). She was cool and came up with at least borderline...
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I know, that's why she is on the "does not deserve a chance list now". haha.

And that is kind of funny that is your name. Also, alcohol was involved in the writing of this blog so I said a few things that I normally wouldn't say... So... you know how I feel about your namesake smile OOORRRR I'm secretly in love with you Wingsie... haha.
It's cool, it happens (the alcohol fueled blog and the secret Wingsie love) tongue
I'm heading to a place called the Dirt Bar... it sounds awesome. haha.

wish me luck.
Best of luck hehe

I have internet at my apartment. I started having convusions from lack of SG.


Houston is pretty cool... actually... warm compared to Fargo. Been about 99% work though so I havent adventured yet... perhaps soon.

Oh! and its my birthday in a week and a half. Happy Birthday to me... I have no friends or family in a new city... Drink by myself in...
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