Fuckin' loving this song.
^____^ Thanks for your comment on my set. I love the word hypergorgeous.
Say, do you take remix requests? I've been playing the FFT OST lately and thought it would be badass to hear some of the tracks technofied or in drum & bass.
Square 1.


I hate squares.

Also, Christina, don't worry. About anything, I mean.
How was your weekend? Mine was split between homework related things and family. It was all ok but I'm exhausted and think I'm going to rest/sleep most of this lazy Sunday. So, what are you up to this week?

Inhibitions must die. But I know I'm fully capable of being naughty. I just need to find the opportunity... wink

I think we could ALL use it right now, after all.
You're so cute. That entry made me laugh a bit. As usual awesome time last night.

As much as I hate to admit, yes, SG started and perfected the twisted hanna barbara recreation. HB's my favorite incarnation though.
Gotta go to work in an hour, but in the meantime, I figured it'd be cool to update my journal.

So first off, I'm yet again a DJ! Sort of. I hate bearing the tag "DJ," though, so I just use my real name as my DJ name, kind of like Paul Oakenfold or Max Graham or Sander Kleinenberg. You can do that if you...
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And there are blackouts in L.A. tonight
There's an evident lack of light tonight
An increase in desire, you'll catch me
Hangin' out on a wire...
Cutting the voltage to your power lines

When the lights... go... out...
When I get back from teaching I'll call ya and we can figure out a movie then. Still have to show you the sugar trick too. Later.

February 15th: "And the day goes down as one of the best days of my life."

Seems to me that this occurs everytime I get to spend time with Lunna. I love listening to her talk about her past. My past is quite boring in comparison, so I don't really talk about it much. I also can't remember it very well, so it works...
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I feel like I just end up rambling on to you, but it's good to know that you like when I do that. It has been very relaxing hanging out with you and something else I cannot find the word for at the moment. Last night Kevin F. and Corey were here but Kevin never showed up. We tried to watch Little Monsters on TV but just ended up falling asleep. I'm thinking with all the homework I need to do that it might be best to xtend my party to next weekend instead of the one coming up. Hmm, we'll see.

Your maturity is certainly admirable. Things should go well for you, whatever your endeavours may be.
More J. Geils ("Flamethrower," possibly one of the best love songs ever):

All day long she holds it back
Back with all her might
She carries a burning torch inside
She holds it firm and tight
She punches out the clock
While it keeps punching out her life
She's a flamethrower, red hot glower
Flamethrower at night

Don't think she wears a worry
They hang...
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I first listened to your material at OCR and have been somewhat of a fan ever since. Awesome awesome stuff.
Nice. It was awesome to see you again the other day. No crotch I'd rather have my head in....to lay down and sleep that is wink kiss
Okay, so I'm feeling a lot better after my short introspective session last night. And it would seem that there's been a misunderstanding. Hopefully my long-ass email will clear some things up. ARRR!!!
Great talking to you today sweetie. Currently at a friend's house working on a project but us girls are exhausted and crashing out for a bit. Yah..nap time. Anyways call my cell when you're around.

So it sounds like I've been once again escalated down to friendship only.

Why is it I didn't hear about this first hand, and only heard about it by reading a public journal? This confuses and irritates me.

Why is it that I keep finding girls who I consider to be perfect in just about every regard, and things keep falling through? I'm really getting...
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Welcome to the Wonderful world of Dating, College and Financial Instablity.....
Wow, hold on there tiger. I never said friends only and we've never been bf/gf, I have explained complications in my life which you have known about since day 1. I have never said eh want nothing to do with you or anything of that sort. I have been very honest and open with you about being hurt badly, about how I don't feel I can handle a relationship right now but that we could see how things go over time. I told you all of this long long ago before writing anything public so I find that rather unfair. What concerns me is the way you acted the other day when I talked about a guy friend...you acted very jealous and sure jealousy is normal it's part of life but on the level you put it scared me a bit since I already went through the whole jealousy of me having guys as friends thing with Kevin and you started to act that way which scared me because honestly I cannot be with a guy again who is going to act overly jealous of me having guys as friends again because frankly many of my friends are guys. That doesn't mean anything is going on more then friends even if they want it to. You are the only boy I have been physical with in all this time I have been single and if that's not good enough for you and if you don't have the patience to understand why I'm a bit on edge about relationships then fine go ahead and assume things of me and feel bad for yourself. Honey, I have done nothing wrong and was looking forward to spending time with you this weekend but now I am just in shock of your journal.
Wow, so, uh, school shootings. Bad. Very bad.

Red Lake is really nearby. I actually know people who go to that school. I still don't know if any of the people I know were injured, though. So today they're saying the kid was a Neo-Nazi. What a piece of shit. I don't care how much you get picked on, you don't become a Neo-Nazi and...
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tis tragic
but yes. some of us are weak enough to break.
i almost did.
firearms or not...... vengeance is a powerful motivator and people who are frail and desperate can snap
and cause tragedies like this shit
all because of ego man.
all because of some fucks and their having to put others below them.
and neonazism puke ugh
le sigh
i only can keep hope for a solution to such cruelty sometime in a future lifetime.
And let's not forget that he listened to Marilyn Manson..yeah he also listened to Lennon but do you think the media will say much about that? It's so sad. Miss you.


This is why I hate being at my parents' house. I can't check this site. And what did I miss out on while I was gone?

Ohhhh not much, jus--


May have a job opportunity with Pizza Hut. Hoo-fucking-ray. Oh well, it's work, and work is money, and money is what I badly need right now.

In other news, going home to visit the parents and my brother on Wednesday, so I may not have a chance to update for a little while. But in the eternal words of Ah-nuld, "Ah'll be bahck."
well best wishes.
my reaction is the same as yours.
at least you can tolerate them *laughs*
hehe smile