Damn. Patron shots at a big party last night had me whacked out of my mind! I must have sent out over 20 really bad, embarrassing, fucked-up texts. Some came across as humorous, some were really fucking wrong and could have totally blown my situation with the girl I have been trying to win over. Stupid alcohol and stupid phones. The party was a blast!...
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She stirs the deepest waters within. She won't let it begin. Patience. Patience. Patience. I'm motivated, inspired, and will not tire.
The Artist/Muse relationship is something very difficult to explain to someone who hasn't been a part of one. I have been without a muse for about a year, maybe a little longer. You don't really notice when the effects of your current muse slow down to a point of being noneffective. This is what happened with my last. She is still close, still important to...
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Man, this day went by in a flash! I don't feel like I got much done, but I've been running all day. Hope to feel accomplished and ready to rock out by the weekend. smile
'He does not stride... He does not stroll... He Smokes into town, goddamn!'