I don't go out very often, we like planet home. But sometimes the urge happens and it is time to go and eat out, and generally it is super duper we have a few restaurants that know us and create some really innovative vegetarian courses.

My father is an excellent chef, especially French cuisine and I was really spoiled growing up. We had the best...
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Well another day at the coal face today is one of those days. I am back in the modelling team at work, and before you think here come's the next male Kate Moss. The modelling I am talking about is 3D modelling not as exciting.

We have a team that go's to a factory or industrial site and use a special laser that creates a...
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When are you gonna post some pix of you & your girl?? We don't care if you're Kate Moss or not wink We just like knowing who we're talking to, that's all smile
What a great night, I have really started to enjoy Monday nights. Jo-Anne and I went to dance classes last night, and we learned a new dance the swing frikkin awesome. So now we know the basics for the rhythm foxtrot, cha-cha and now the swing. I think I am really going to enjoy the swing it is danced to real 50's rock music frikkin...
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"Do I live the life I do because that is what I want, or am I able to live that life because of advantages I was given?"

...Hmmm, that's a tough one to answer, mate. I'm in a similar position in that my folks paid for my tertiary education (even though I flunked out TWICE blush ) & gave me R30k towards my first car. It's certainly a lot more than someone like my husband got, but also a shitload less than many other people I know got.

Personally, I think it's a parent's responsibility & duty to give their child a fair start in life, & that INCLUDES putting money aside for his/her tertiary education AND a cheap second-hand car if you live in a country like ours that doesn't have a safe & reliable public transport system. What then becomes of those assests (education & wheels) is purely up to the individual.

If I look at my life & what I've achieved thus far, it's pretty much all my own doing. I certainly never enjoyed the luxury of any favours (eg. nepotism) or hand-outs (financial or otherwise). I moved out of home when I was 18 (actually I was kicked out, but that's another story altogether!), & since then I have been completely independent. I had to learn to stand on my own two feet at a relatively young age (most people I know lived with their parents right into their mid-20s), & through that process I learnt the value of money, & just how much hard work it takes to earn an honest living. But I guess now I'm all the better for it, & extremely proud of where I stand today smile
Well what an awesome weekend, all the South African teams won the rugby, had all my friends come over for a visit, my sister even came over with her new boyfriend. My sister and I have had a strained relationship for a couple of years now and I have not seen her or spoken to her in six months, my sister and Jo-Anne just don't...
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Well time for another weekend of working, I am frikkin (I am trying to not swear anymore) excited. Should be the last weekend for a while so not to bad.

We are having a braai (BBQ) tomorrow, pretty strange having braai's when one is a vegetarian I used to really enjoy them when I was a carnivore but now they are a little of a...
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A "closet Bulls supporter" in amongst all those banana boys, you poor thing, HA HA!!!
I had an excellent night last night, Jo-Anne and I started going to Ballroom dancing classes it was our second lesson last night, it is just great I really am enjoying the dancing. I would never have said so a few weeks ago but it really is a very masculine thing to do. For a whole hour and during the dance I get to lead,...
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I have total & utter respect for anyone who takes the time to learn how to dance properly. Kudos to you & your girl, mate smile

Me & my man, well, we've each been cursed with two left feet, so I guess we just won't go down that road blush
Another weekend of work, no gardening but there is light at the end of the tunnel, should be finished all the late nights next week can't wait. Just landed another site to start after this latest one but it won't be so hectic quite relaxed simple graphic design whoohoo.

Jo-Anne and I bought a Hand carved king size base set made from Burmese Teak, frikkin...
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Yeah, it's a very small world wink

Your new bed sounds absolutely gorgeous, mate! I am a HUGE fan of teak furniture. It tends to be more pricey than a lot of other wooden stuff out there, but if you can afford it, it's well worth the investment.

Oh, & I'm totally with you on the blogs & groups being more interesting / entertaining than most of the sets nowadays. Weird, huh confused whatever
I landed a really big deal website this last week for a medium sized Medical Aid company, been designing websites for almost 10 years now and this is the biggest, well not the biggest just the biggest client. It will really push my design skills to the max.

I won't be able to work in the garden this weekend and that sucks, will be designing...
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Congrats on landing that handsome job, mate smile

Your talk of getting out into the wilderness is making me yearn for some of the same. City walls tend to close in on one after a while, & it's nice to get some fresh air & recharge one's batteries. The last time we were out Lesotho way was in mid-June 2005. We went snowboarding at Tiffindell for our honeymoon. What a blast!!
Call me a prude but I have always been an advocate of legal software, music and movies. I am no saint on the best of days but on this I have always been very anal, so a have tried to start promoting the use of freeware software and I have created a CD that I distribute to the users I work with and some friends...
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Thx, mate smile

Congrats on the new cabbie, BTW. Hope it brings you many miles of pleasure!

Those Sani Pass pix remind me of the route we had to do in 2003 - in a TOUR BUS eeek - from Santiago (city in Chile) up the Andes mountains to Valle Nevado (our ski / snowboard resort). That altitude combined with those switchbacks made me feel pretty damn grim puke But in the end it was all worth it - we had SUCH an awesome trip biggrin

Check out the pic I took of the spectacular half-pipe love