February 14th 2016.

26th Annual Women's Memorial March in Vancouver BC.
"Their Spirits Live Within Us"

An opportunity to come together to grieve the loss of our beloved sisters in the Downtown Eastside and to dedicate ourselves to justice. This event is organized and led by women because women, especially Indigenous women, face physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence on a daily basis. All welcome.
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I'm managing a bed & breakfast in Vancouver BC for the winter which is super duper Alice Cooper.

My favourite part of this job is the guests! Today when I asked our fantastic Fraulein how her pancakes were she said "Have you seen Despicable Me? It's like, they're so fluffy I'm gonna die!"

That dog photo is awesome!
I know right.

"It is all well and good for children and acid freaks to still believe in Santa Claus — but it is still a profoundly morbid day for us working professionals. It is unsettling to know that one out of every twenty people you meet on Xmas will be dead this time next year... Some people can accept this, and some can't. That is why God...
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People who can see the truth are sometimes tortured by it. 
That's why there's meditation. And animals, hilarious animals.

People helping others, help themselves.


I am a college graduate of the child and youth worker program. I have worked (and currently work) in my field for well over a decade. I'm a 36 year old South American born transplant, raised in Hamilton, Ontario.
I was conceived in a non-consensual manner (date rape) after my parents went on ONE date back in Georgetown, Guyana. My mother chose to have
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The Priest is right. Forgiveness is the only way to move on. I couldn't forgive everyone else because I had to forgive myself. 
Crazy process. I call it rewiring my brain. Other people call it other things. It's basically breaking a pattern. But it's the hardest thing I've ever made myself do lol

Because I trust you. Psyche!!!

Because I can.

No but seriously, you don't judge and you don't care, which is why you get special access to parts of my brain and my heart <3

Cool shot

The work camp, lodge, inn, restaurant owning company I work for switched me from the Samsquanch Crossing to the Buffalo Inn. They switched me to baking nights too. It's alright because I'm alone and the small, dirty place has a boss speaker system. Also, my boss said something about having a better job for me, but not being able to tell me what it was.......
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People are indeed flawed!

I'm not even that beautiful eh. It's just the angle and the lighting in/out here.

So any way haters gotta hate, and I'm too busy riding for the brand being a cattle ranching nanny to reply in letter form to them. Well, to most of them.

So I re-tooled these lyrics to an Atmosphere song instead.

I also drive through a 5,000 ft mountain pass
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For being an accomplished woman in a world dominated by men (then)

and a role model in a world dominated by stupidity (now).