I haven't posted a new blog in foreversssssss! Whuddup peeps!
I can't lie... shit has been pretty good yo. Just thought I'd give you all an update, seeing how I haven't updated this biatch in awhile. I've been working like a mofo, making that money and spending it on beer, games, toys, and gas. LOL. Cool Cool. Peace OUt Peeps.
i'm still here, sadly.
i'm going stir crazy.
yeah. i've been here for a little under a year..11 months now.
i'm in job corps learning how to bake.
i'm not exactly a bad seed.
it seems like that is all there is here.
i just needed an opportunity.
Horray. I get to go to Municipal Court this next week. So i drive a 93 Mazda POS... yea. The driver side automatic seatbelt doesn't go all the way back... big woop. That seatbelt wouldn't protect me anyway... what a piece of shit. So a cop pulled me over today and gave me a citation... the seatbelt has been like that for awhile now, and...
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Hey boy heyyy!
For the bullshit that is my life.
I'm sorry i was tired today.
I'm sorry i can't be more upbeat.
I'm sorry i wasn't as cheerful as the day before.

So today was a long ass day. And all i wanted to do was see my girlfriend. IN a way, i blew it i guess. Maybe you can figure it out for me. I worked...
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Another day, another dollar. That's what people tell me. Man, my job sucks. I didn't know how my working job could affect my personal life so much. But I guess that's the price I pay. I mean, I feel like a failure sometimes. It seems like other people have all the luck sometimes you know. When it comes to jobs. Some people can get them...
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So i've been really bummed lately. Summer is here... and i'm not exactly in shape... i don't know what i can do. I mean i work out, and nothing happens you know. I watch what i eat, yet no results. Can't get rid of the beer gut. AAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! Shit! WTF!
Whether or not anyone comes to my page, i don't know... if you do. Leave a comment... even if you don't want to. Peace.