jiu-jitsu tonight kicked my ass. i did two lessons instead of my normal just one on friday. my finger tips are raw from grabbing the gi so much. im definitely getting better at it. when it came time to spar, i was doing fine until the guy i was sparring with gave me an atomic wedgie from hell. i seriously almost tapped just from the...
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im loving this new nofx video

i have nothing new to report. 11 classes left until this semester is over. i cannot wait to be done with this math class. my spring break starts on april 5th. on the 6th, im going down to orlando so my friend can finish up two of my tattoos. i am quite excited....quite
disregard my new blog, i guess i will stay on here. ive just been feeling a bit bummed out due to the fact that a lot of my "friends" have pretty much just stopped talking to me. its like everyone started hating me all at once. oh well, i dont need them. im just gonna keep myself busy with work, school, and jiu-jitsu

one other...
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same here! i should start deleting all the people on my friends page who don't even have a user pic... who are you people?! anyways, glad you're staying smile
so, i think i may be done with this site. ive pretty much lost interest in it. once my free 3 months is up, and im thinking thats soon, i probably wont be back. if anyone wants to stay in touch, all of my messenger names are listed in my profile.
so, my desktop died on me the other day. i finally got my laptop today. its so very exciting! i will post a better update later. gotta get back to playing with the new laptop
what kind did you get? my desktop shit the bed the other day too... i am in bed enjoying my new laptop as well! xo.
i woke up yesterday morning and realized i had nothing to look forward to this week and that it will probably be a shitty week. apparently, i was very wrong. about an hour before i got out of work yesterday, my boss called me into the office because he said he needed to talk to me. for a second, i freaked out thinking "oh great,...
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congrats on your raise.
Sounds like you had a good week. good thing you have a tough chin or you would be fucked.
i got my grade from the math test i took last thursday. i got an 85 on it. im pretty damn happy about it, especially since i havent had a math class in 5 years.

in other news, im pretty sure i will finally get my laptop this week. lets just hope no more plywood hits my car.
*high five*
I second that High Five, with a chest bump
this week has been one of the worst weeks ever. on tuesday, i decided i was gonna skip my english class since we were just going over a book. i figured id sleep in and then head to math. well, on my way to class, a moving truck in front of me ran over a huge piece of plywood. the plywood got kicked up and...
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yeah dude i was fired on the 5th for something really effing stupid whatever (after being with the company for 10 years without one writeup)
What a crappy week for you but it will all turn around. It always does. smile
The friend thing yeah that sucks ass as well. Thats when you really find out who your TRUE friends are. You didn't mention your GF so I"m assuming all is well with her.
Sounds like a tough week. Hopefully your car is still drivable and insurance will fix it all for ya..
who here has skype? i havent had it too long, so im still figuring out how to use it. feel free to add me, my sn is muddy36.

tomorrow after school starts my private lessons with my jiu jitsu instructor. that basically means that i am going to become a badass. my instructor is a 3rd degree black belt that grew up with the gracie...
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Leibka smile

mmm pizza
ecellentarygoogleshmyer!!! Good for you kiss biggrin
i started my math class on tuesday. i do believe that i am fucked. it is intermediate algebra, but i havent taken a math class in 5 years. ive been in the class for 2 days and im already stressed out. this is not gonna be a fun semester.

im also single again. i dated the girl for a month and then i got a...
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Good luck with the math class!! If you need help, I might be able to lend a hand.
Maths suck. it was my worst class at school.
(I dont have xbox live)
so, i just uploaded some "bad" pics since someone told me they were upload worthy. im not really sure what else to say now....mmmbop buh dibby dop
I'm happy to see you're back bro! Good the with the girl and school. kiss
Hey! How in the heck have you been? Hope all is well smile