I am a highly social being. But over the past few years, and especially now coming to London, I am unsatisfied with the amount of social contact that I have. I am going out maybe 2 or 3 times a week to do stand up comedy, mostly. And I am making new acquaintances all the time. But I find myself of a Saturday or Sunday,...
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yes it's okay to be lonely :3

I put up a new video this week! It was quite a good performance in my mind, I managed to remember all my lines this time! Amazing what a bit of rehearsal can do. Except I still jumbled up the last bit. I wasn't expecting a huge reaction when I got it, and then finished up with an off colour joke, as I do. But...
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Today I am feeling better. I think now, that yesterday when I posted my most depressing blog ever, (now deleted), I was burned out from work. I was totally physically exhausted. My mind and body seem to run quite in line with each other, and when the body is out of steam, my mind starts to spiral down. We all need down days! And next...
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Really I hope more days like this for you... Nice sunday!!!๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™
Thank you <3ย 

๐Ÿ“height: 6' 0.5" (184cm)

โณage: 30 + 1 month

๐Ÿ‘€ eye color: Dark blue

โ™’๏ธ sign: sagittarius 4 lyfe!!

๐Ÿ’ hair color: Blond as fuck with a smexy red beard and brown chest hair, like wtf man!

๐ŸŽฒ favourite thing: Music

๐ŸŽจ favourite color: Black, which is more like the absence of colour like the dark is to light. Or purple

๐Ÿ food: I like...
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I went to a stand-up open mic tonight. They are so tragic sometimes. People get up and tell the most depressing stories instead of jokes. Like they enjoy going up in front of a crowd and laughing by themselves at their fucked up lives. Many bad cliche jokes are made, including that married life sucks, single life sucks, I am bad with women (this is...
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Gig went ok. The emcee advised me afterwards not to ask a stranger in the front row to film my set. I should instead ask another act down the back, so as not to offend anyone. Yeah, ok man, thanks for the tip. #playingitsafe

Also, upon crowd analysis, opted not to do the Vegemite bit, and just rip on George Michael for 2-3 minutes. I...
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Last chance London friends! I am doing one more show this week tonight at Cafe Mode! This gig promises to be better than last night, after watching Rogue One I was quite sleepy to be honest.
I did 10 minutes last night and I will be doing 10 minutes again tonight! Come out to support me and I will buy you something.
57-59 Endell Street...
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