Shit. Out of the 50 people they hired in winter 2003, I'm the only one left. My friend Steve was there with me but he got caught stealing (it's a felony over $500 right?). This sucks. I feel like I'm losing everyone.

I'm getting emo now, time to work out ARRR!!!
Sorry, wiese, looks like you have one less friend with a dog in their avatar.

I like this one better. I know, it takes a lot for me to take my dog down, but... Jesus, man! What do you do with a mullet? YOU ROCK IT. HARD.

On another note, I'm applying for security today. Wish me luck smile I can't believe people actually PAY you...
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I know what you mean. Based heads for 8 years, now trying to fill my with knowledge. Where did you apply at. Good luck brother. Cheers
Sears, so lighter core than bars or something.
I'm going to start a website called "Bands Who's Ass I Want to Kick This Week". There's a lot of shitty bands out there. I'm just tired of bands with spacy lyrics, that use "I" and "You" 300 times over the same three or four chords, tied in with screaming. The passion of the scream is lost when the words you are belting out don't...
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I just found the best website EVER.

Say that on Attack of the Show the other day.
Really? Here I was thinking I found something unique...

*puts pirate smily up to save face*

Wow. It's funny what a little constructive, repeated pain can do for you. Ever since I started working out (rather than the alternative pain...) I've put on 40 lbs. My bench went from 90 to 150, and my leg press went from 160 to 300. I still don't feel like a jock, but I don't care; you can be muscular and punk at the same...
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Hi new friend... smile

There was nothing to vote for where I live... I'm glad someone went and voted out in St Pete. I don't think anyone I know out there did.
I hate to vote, I consider myself a Centrist and I hate to take sides. But Mayor Baker has done a lot for this town, and might be the highest ranked politician on my list.

Oh, and hi smile

[Edited on Nov 08, 2005 7:33PM]
It seems like my mind keeps revolving to the winter stage of development time and time again (read about Bureacracies ). Basic and common knowledge of what's right and wrong are beginning to become blurred. I usually have to take a drastic measure to straighten myself out again (usually hurting myself in a constructive manner) but it's only temporary. I feel like I'm being tested...
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thats a cute puppy!!
Happy Halloween! The great thing about having your birthday minutes after Halloween is when you get the money from the cards, then you can by all the half price Halloween candy! love
God damn this city. To hell. Ray Charles claims that he found his baby in this forsaken city, and let me tell ya, he must've gotten the only sane one. The women, I mean, girls, here are RAVING LUNATICS, and not in a good way! They really like it when you waste gas on them. I keep getting used for money or for my car.
happy birthday to you! ARRR!!! skull oink miao!!
Well, I met someone today. She goes by the name "Missy". We have a lot in common, we're both Scorpios, both insomniacs... I'm going to take things slow this time. Well, I'm in no rush.

On another note, I met an old friend of mine the other day. He used to be suicidal, but my determination despite everything weighing me down inspired him to live....
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Today I decided to trash my cardboard cut out of George W... He had some wear and tear, I might get a new one. The plan is to go outside with him holding a sign that says "GOD DOESN'T WANT YOU", and just stand around with the local hobos. Or maybe "The bible is what you make it." Who knows. I'm trying to be more...
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