I'm not usually one to announce my birthday or make a big deal about it. Just another day. I do, however, love November. Always some great games that come out.

As usual, right around my birthday, Call of Duty comes out. My day of birth being the fifth (you know the old saying "Remember Remember the fifth of November"), the sixth that game comes out....
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Sometimes I think I watch way too much MST3k and Rifftrax. Maybe not. Watching Manos again. Rifftrax live version. It's hilarious. I wish Hulu had all seasons of MST3k. There's quite a few Rifftrax on there though, both Movies and Shorts.

I've been watching MST3k for a long time and I'm always riffing on movies and TV, even if it's good or bad.

My friends
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Have you ever fallen asleep while watching something and then you have a dream where what they are saying on TV is played in your dream? I did that yesterday. I fell asleep watching Cropsey on Hulu and whatever played after that was in my dream. Perhaps nightmare. I can't remember. I do remember a woman screaming about something. I checked the history of what...
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Since I've been reading a lot about games on here, I throw in my games of the moment. Batman Arkham Knight is what I'm playing now. Also I just got Rocksmith. I keep hearing it's a great way to learn guitar, and that's just what I want to do.

I'm also playing Halo Master Chief Collection and Assassin's Creed IV and Shadow of Mordor and...
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It's no secret that They Might Be Giants is my favorite band ever. A great group of very talented musicians. A lot of people say they don't know who they are and I would disagree. Many people have heard their songs and not realized who it was.

A few years ago they did a cover of Tubthumping on the AV Club. It was awesome. They...
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After too long of a wait, we can all now play Batman Arkham Knight.

So far so great. A few missions in and it's probably the best on in the series. Although I love all the other ones. The batmobile is pretty sweet. If you didn't have a reason to get Xbox One or PS4, this may be the reason. I can see any of...
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It's been storming today. Pretty heavy around 4pm and again now. I do enjoy watching and listening to them. Something very beautiful and scary about them. I know I'm not the only one who thinks so. Sometimes the Earth is quite an amazing place. By sometimes I mean all the times.


While I was pushing some pizza from the frozen order at work, This popped into my head.


My first scheduled weekend off with my new position at work. Nice to be off two days in a row.

Went to my friends house today and had a bonfire. We started it with doritos and hand sanitizer. Worked like a charm.

Now I'm having a nice Kraken and Dr. Pepper while watching Rifftrax on Hulu. Also looking at the beautiful Lillianrose set of the...
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Let us give thanks to stuff...and things.

I'm thankful for all the seasons of South Park on Hulu Plus. They are all uncensored and in HD.

I am also thankful for all the Tequila I have. 1800 Anejo and 1800 Coconut and Hornitos Black Barrel.

Also all the cool people on this site.

Thank you.